Health Guide For The Pregnant Woman
Being a pregnant woman brings with it euphoria and anxiety. Mood swings, morning sickness and fatigue are as much a part of pregnancy as moments of joy and anticipation. There will be days you will just not feel like getting out of bed. On other days, when you hear the tiny life move inside you, you will feel elation. The pregnant woman needs special care during these nine months. In order to make the right decisions regarding her doctor, method of childbirth, and other details, she needs to know all about pregnancy.
Your body will be going through many changes during the three trimesters. Here are some of the things every pregnant woman should know.
Morning Sickness
Morning sickness does not occur only in the morning. Many cases of morning sickness occur in the afternoon or evening as well. Morning sickness makes it difficult for women to keep down their meals. Many women find it difficult to eat normal meals. The solution for this is to have smaller, more frequent meals. Have crackers before getting out of bed in the morning so that you do not feel queasy or dizzy. Mostly, a pregnant woman does not know that morning sickness is an indicator of the pregnancy hormones working properly. However, see your doctor if the morning sickness is too severe.
Spotting or bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Bleeding is caused by implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. Bleeding is accompanied by cramps in many cases. A pregnant woman may experience bleeding well into the pregnancy. In many cases, doctors may examine you and declare you fit. However, visit your doctor immediately if the bleeding is heavy or accompanied by severe cramps.
Tender Breasts
Swollen and tender breasts are common for a pregnant woman. Many women complain of discomfort and pain. A good bra can solve this problem largely. Keep changing bra sizes until you find the one that suits you. The bra size can also increase during this time.
Mood Swings
Many women find their mood oscillating between happiness and gloom. Mild mood swings are common during pregnancy. This is another sign of the hormones at work. However, see a doctor if you feel persistently depressed.
One of the stranger instincts in pregnant women is nesting. When in the third trimester, the woman may feel the need to wash down the yard, sweep the house, mop, and clear out closets. Indulge yourself, but be sure not to overdo it.
A lot many women complain of excess salivation during pregnancy. Again, the reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Do not worry too much; this symptom will not last too long.
This health guide for the pregnant woman covers various pregnancy symptoms. You should read all you can about the three trimesters, and ask your doctor for more information.
The pregnancy woman needs special care during the whole pregnancy period. Mood swings, morning sickness and fatigue are as much a part of pregnancy as moments of joy and anticipation.
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