Our skin perform many important functions that we take for granted most of the time, despite the fact that it's the body's largest organ. Understanding how the skin works and common problems can help keep that natural healthy glow.
For most adults, their skin will cover almost two kilometres in area and can make up to about a sixth of their body weight.
Did you know... skin replace itself regularly - new cells replace old ones every four weeks or so. Your skins thickness varies on different parts of your body - for example, the soles of your feet, which have tougher time, have thicker skin.
Your kin is made up of a high percentage of water, similar to most other parts of your body - in fact skin has up to 20% of your body's total water content. To stay health, your skin needs to maintain a high percentage of water and you need to make sure you keep your skin hydrated - especially after excess exposure to sun or wind which will dry out your skin. Drinking water and using moisturizers are two easy ways to maintain your skins water content.
So what does our skin do?
One of the main functions of the skin is to keep the body's temperature at safe levels at all times, so regulating it when we are too hot or too cold. Our body's temperature should stay around 37 degrees Celsius and our skin helps us to do this, when we are hot, sweat will evaporate to help us keep cool, and when we're cold, hairs stand up on end, trapping air which helps us to stay warm. Many outside factors influence the health guide of our skin and limiting their effects is one of the ways we can all help to maintain healthy skin. Your skin plays an important role in protecting you from ultraviolet rays, bacteria and dehydration.
Skin complaints
Skin complaints range from more common dry skin to eczema, psoriasis and veruccas and can affect anyone. If you are concerned about your skin or would like further information about how to treat and existing conditions you can ask your pharmacist for advice and guidance on the best treatments.
Dry Skin
Your skin is directly exposed to the elements and can dry out because of extremes in the weather, excess sun, wind or cold. Our skin contains a high level of water and will become dry and flaky if it dries out. You may feel your skin becoming itchy and peeling.
There are many ways that you can prevent and treat dry skin. To try and stop your skin drying out you should aim to apply moisturizer once a day, in particular to vulnerable areas on your hands and face. Also try to keep hydrated - it is recommended that you drink eight lasses of water, juice or soft drinks everyday. Protecting yourself in extreme weather conditions will also help to prevent dry and cracked skin so try and cover up with gloves and a scarf in winter weather and a hat in summer. Visit your pharmacist for advice on the best kind of protection for you.
Eczema is a group of skin conditions, often called dermatitis. These conditions can range from mild to quite serious and can affect people of all ages. Eczema is not contagious and at the moment there is no cure, only treatments. Eczema symptoms can range from dry, hot and itchy skin to raw. Inflamed and bleeding skin.
Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 children of school age has eczema and the figure for adults is around 1 in 12.
There are many different causes of eczema and they differ for different people - what is a trigger for you may not affect someone else at all. There are also different types of eczema - some are inherited and these are usually triggered by allergic reactions to things in the environment; for example dust or animal fur. Other types of eczema are caused by exposure to irritants which could include washing powder or chemicals in some household products.
There are a range of treatments available that can help reduce the symptoms of eczema and there are steps that you can take to reduce the likelihood of symptoms occurring again. Visit your pharmacist to discuss treatments for eczema. This could include bath oils, emollients, creams, lotions or, for more serious conditions, steroid preparations.
It is important that you prevent moisture loss from your skin as much as possible and these treatments will help. To minimize future outbreaks of eczema you can also try using in perfumed soap and non biological washing powders.
Acne affects many of us at some time in our lives. It is estimated that up to 90& of teenagers have acne at some point. However it is a common misconception that acne occurs only in teenagers. In fact it can affect up to 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women.
Acne is a condition which causes the skin to develop small red lumps. You will usually see them on the face, arms, back and chest. It is caused by overactive oil glands which results in blocked pores in the skin causing blackheads, whitehead or deep lumps or cysts. Acne usually occurs in teenagers and can continue for some people in their 40's or 50's.
Pregnancy or menstruation can contribute to outbreaks of acne, as can pollution, humidity or extreme heat or cold.
Early treatment for acne is important as it can make you self-conscious and in severe cases can cause scarring. Treatments are available from your pharmacist in the form of creams, lotions or gels which contain benzoyl peroxide. If your acne is severe you should consult your doctor who may recommend that you use a stronger treatments or an antibiotic.
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