Scabies is an infectious skin disease which is caused by mites. Scabies mites lay eggs, reproduce and grow on the skins of human (mostly men). These mites can cause severe itching, skin rashes and lots more damages to the skin. Sometimes itching extends up to several years as they rapidly spread on other parts of the skin. That is why; scabies is also termed as "Seven-year itch".
Scabies symptoms are pretty similar to eczema, psoriasis, insect bite and other skin irritations. Therefore it gets difficult to diagnose scabies.
Diagnosis of Scabies
Mites make burrows on the skin and can be detected. Doctor will put mineral oil (few drops) onto any burrow and scratch out little portion of the affected skin. One can see mites, their feces and eggs through microscopes.
In some cases, mite burrows are not easy to identify. In that case, apply blue black ink on the skin. While applying ink, you will notice that ink is clotted at some portion and rest is blotted away. The clotted portions are the burrows made by mites. In addition, after applying ink, burrows attain their original color.
Skin rashes and high itchiness are also scabies's characteristics.
Treatment of Scabies
Scabies is a rampant disease but not incurable. There are loads of effective medical treatments for scabies available. Scabies can be treated with medical lotion, solutions, creams, medicines and others. Even self care at home can be advantageous.
However, prevention is the best treatment of scabies. Try to avoid contact with the affected person. Don't share cloths, bed sheets or intercourse with the affected person. Stay clean and hygienic as much possible.
If someone is suffering from scabies, regularly change his underclothes, bed sheets, etc. Clean their clothing in boiled water. Also, treat the person having contacts, sexual contacts etc with the affected person, preventing him from the infection.
Get complete information on diagnosis and treatment of scabies, visit online men's health guide to browse more on common health care diseases in men.
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