The Urban Myth - Feeding Ducks Bread At The Park!

For some reason, people seem to think the only food suitable for ducks is bread, breadcrumbs or similar specimens of food. This is actually not true, as like any other living being, ducks need to be eating a consistently balanced diet.

There is nothing wrong with human eating bread, or eating bread on a regular basis, but the necessity for a range of nutrients through a range of foods, ducks are by no means any different to us and need a similar diet.

A typical diet for both humans and world health org feeding of course ducks consists of a range of nutrients inclusive of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, the benefit of ducks obtaining these nutrients is extremely important. In fact it doesn't matter whether it's a duck, human, goose and so on, all living beings need a range of nutrients to sustainability live.

The fact that people throw bread to ducks means they are relying on one source of nutrient, which of course, in the case of bread, is carbohydrate. This can seem to problems, but don't worry too much; ducks will obviously find other sources of food in between there daily feed at the local parks!

One thing to be aware of is that ducks aren't particularly good world health org feeding at swallowing their food, hence why some people soak the bread, as it has been heard of for ducks to choke to death trying to swallow bread. Another important factor to consider is moldy bread. Let's face it, if you don't want to eat it because it might disagree slightly with your digestive system, then do you think they would?

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Feeding Pet Snake - Live Prey Or Pre Killed Prey

Some people consider having an exotic pet as a companion in the home. For example a pet snake, Snakes are relatively easy to care for, but special handling and maintenance is necessary for your safety as well as theirs. A proper care must be enforce to make sure such incidents don't happen.

Aside from making the home similar to the habitat of the snakes, the most important thing is giving the right food. Should you feed your pet snake pre killed prey or live prey?

For your pet snake, world health org feeding pre killed prey is recommended. A live prey can inflict some serious wounds on a snake in self defense. Also if your pet snake unable to quickly kill a live prey item, because hesitates or is not hungry, the snake is the one who might end up injured. Even a small mouse can cause injury to a snake.

World health org feeding killed prey also let you to buy frozen prey items and keep them in the freezer. It will be easier for you as you have the proper sized prey on hand at all times. Buying the live prey every time your pet snake needs to eat or raising the prey by your own will be more expensive and wasting the time. Many pet stores sell frozen prey or fresh killed prey which you can then freeze for later.

If your snake is eating live prey, you need to start out by offering fresh killed prey at first. Frozen prey need to be completely thawed and warmed slightly before feeding. Defrost it in cold water, not at room temperature. Don't hold prey with your fingers, dangling and wiggling the prey with tongs to entice the snake to take the prey.If your snake still unwilling to eat, you can try dipping the prey in chicken broth, or puncturing the skull of the prey to expose brain.

The size of the prey

A snake should be fed a size of prey that is about the same size around snake's body at the widest point. Meaning that as your snake grows; you need to adjust the size of prey fed to the snake to accommodate the snake's increasing size.To find the right size of prey on the pet stores, simply use a piece of string to take the measurement around your pet snake at the widest part of its body then take the string cut to the pet store. So you can do a quick check of the circumference of the prey available to find the best match. It doesn't have to be an exact measurement. Little bit smaller or slightly larger prey is fine too and a bit of variety never hurts.

A snake have unique jaws that allow them to swallow the prey that is larger than their head, but your pet snake may have difficulties to digesting overly large prey, resulting in regurgitation. This is considered to be a waste of money since your pet snake will just spit it out after.

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Exotic Pet Corn Snake Care Sheet - Feeding Corn Snake

Corn snakes, like all other snakes, are carnivorous. Meaning they feed only on the flesh of other animals. Corn snakes feed small rodents and sometimes lizards, although they have been known to take small birds from time to time. world health org feeding A pet corn snake owner, obviously, will have an easier time supplying his or her exotic pets with mice than anything else.

An active corn snake will eat every 10 days or so. It is recommended to feed your corn snake pre killed prey, especially if the snake has not been raised on live prey. A live prey may also turn on and attack a lazy snake that isn't feeling too hungry and possibly causing severe harm to your pet corn snake.

When to feed a corn snake and how much

Hatchlings are started out with pinkie mice for feedings and as the snake grows, gradually increase the size of the prey by offering fuzzies, crews, then small adult mice or rat pinkies.

A young hatchling will eat a pinkie mice every three days or so. Gradually, as hatchling gets bigger; feed it every four, five or six days. Around the time it is getting out to six days, it will be swallowing down a pinkie in next to no time, so try it with another one just as the tail of the first one disappears. If it takes two pinkies ok, continue with this for two or three more feedings and then offer it one fuzzy instead of the two pinkies. It might look too large for you, but if the snake can swallow it without difficulty, it is not too big. If you feed too much at one feeding session, or feed a prey item that is too big, your snake won't swallow it and will spit it out after trying. A general rule for food size is that up to 11D2 the snake's body girth is acceptable.

After a several more weeks of one fuzzy, repeat the process you did with pinkies. When your corn snake swallows a fuzzy easily, then try to feed it with two. And after a few feedings with two fuzzies, try it with small adult mice. A full grown Corn snake can eat a medium to large mouse.

How to feed a corn snake

Frozen prey need to be completely thawed and warmed slightly before feeding. After thawing, place the prey on a small plastic dish and place the dish in the cage and leave the snake to it. If the snake won't eat it after few hours, then remove it and throw it away.

Some snakes like their prey "jiggled" in front of them. To do this, pick the prey up by the tail with tongs (no sharp, pointy ends), and hold the prey in front of the snake for the snake to strike at.

Pet snakes that have refused to feed more than 2 times can be enticed into feeding by having the prey item slightly warmed, either by a heat lamp or soaked in warm water a few minutes before feeding. Don't put it in a microwave, as they can explode. world health org feeding Another trick to try is "braining", where you pierce the head of the prey with a knife point and liquid from the head exposed with forceps or tweezers. The smell of the liquid will entice your exotic pet corn snake to feed.

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Guide To Family Health Insurance

Medical costs are rising by the day. The trend in the United States is towards individual and family health insurance and corporates and employers are unwilling to provide group health insurance to their employees.

There is no doubt as to the importance of a health insurance. An accident or a severe illness may cripple your financial well being as also your physical and emotional well-being. The cost of family health insurance is also on the rise. However if you cannot afford a long-term family health insurance plan you can opt for a short-term family health insurance plan to tide over your financial commitments and at a later date buy a long-term family health insurance plan.

Family health insurance plan is beneficial in many ways. It costs less than individual health insurance plans. If your spouse is provided health insurance cover by her/his employer then you can opt for a group insurance which will come at a very marginal increase in the premium. There are few issues that need to be studied carefully before purchasing a health guide insurance plan.

There are two types of family health insurance plans.

Indemnity. It provides a broader choice of doctors and hospitals. However you have to pay the bill yourself and later claim from the insurance company. The company cuts the deductible and refunds the rest. The company pays at a set rate called usual, customary and reasonable rate (UCR) for any medical service taken by you.

Managed Care plans. In these plans the insurance companies have tie-ups with doctors and hospitals for providing medical care at a discount rate. So you do not have the flexibility to go for your preferred doctor or hospital. If you opt for going to your doctor or hospital you have to pay the deductible and pay the bill yourself and claim later. However if you use the available service you don’t have to pay. The doctor or hospital will claim money on your behalf.

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What's Good About United Health Care Dental Insurance?

With so many choices out there for dental insurance it can be over whelming trying to pick one. United health care dental insurance is considered by many to be at the top.

With over 26 million customers they have one of the largest bases in the United States for dental coverage. Some would say that with that many customers their customer service must not be that good. The opposite is true. They have so many clients because they do have great customer service. They are considered as being the strongest and most committed health care company in the world, and so you can definitely feel assured and secured when you go with United Health Care dental insurance.

Here is What They Have

The United Health Care dental insurance offers an array of features and services, including a broad offering of consumer oriented health guide benefit plans and services and practical online tools for consumers and employees.

One reason I like them is their online site is so easy to navigate and find what you are looking for. In just a few clicks you can see what doctors in your area accept their insurance.

With United Health Care you are able to see claims activity for your whole family, check costs for a particular procedure, compare hospitals and physicians, order your prescriptions, get the latest health and wellness tools, and chat live with a nurse.

Of course there are many other companies that you can go through for dental insurance, but the United Health Care organization is without a doubt one of the best. Their programs and services are fantastic and definitely ones that you will consider worth checking out.

Dental insurance is not for everyone. Often times you may just be better of going with a dental plan rather than dental insurance. Dental plans tend to be more affordable and cover very close to what dental insurance would. The down side is many dental plans do not have as wide a network as dental insurance would. If you already have a dentist be sure and check if your doctor is included in the dental plan.

Having the right insurance is very important, and it is essential that you have it before you actually need it, so that you are already prepared and will have nothing to worry about once the time comes when you actually do need the insurance. It is obviously even more important to be protected with insurance when you have a family, so that they are all covered as well. It can be hard to find good dental insurance, but know that there are some great options, such as the United Health Care organization, which has been discussed here.

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Find Natural Sinus Remedies For Effective Relief

With the onset of Autumn and Winter, many of you will be having to put up with prolonged sinus problems.

Sinus infections can actually be very painful, but seem to be treated as a minor inconvenience ... but it really doesn't feel like it if you are the one suffering...

Sinus infections can lead to painful eyes, cheek and head as well as tiredness, cough, blocked nose, fever and even that social horror, bad breath!

You might think that sinus problems are an inevitable part of Winter, or the after effects of that cold, or flu ... but it really doesn't have to be... If you still get sinus infections, in spite of using conventional sinus medication and decongestants, the treatments could actually be part of the problem....

Most cold and flu remedies contain aspirin and paracetamol ... but these can actually make a blocked or stuffy nose worse...! It is also possible to become dependent on decongestants and nasal sprays. This means that when you stop taking these medicines your symptoms will actually return, likely worse than they were in the first place. That's in addition to a whole host of other side effects to conventional medications, such as insomnia, feeling restless or jittery, headaches and dry mouth and nose.

If your sinusitis lasts longer than 3 months, it is known as chronic sinusitis. In this case, it is likely that there is an underlying health problem, that has made your body slow to heal.

Natural sinus remedies work as they go to the real cause of the problem. It is a really good idea to explore the reasons for any underlying health guide conditions that you might have... This could be stress, an inefficient immune system, pollution, food intolerance or allergy. It is possible there might still be a lingering viral or bacterial infection, so check this out, and get it treated.

To successfully treat the symptoms of your sinus infection, and feel some real soothing relief try some effective natural sinus remedies... Herbal teas are a really good place to start, tasty peppermint or ginger are both good choices for treating the symptoms and causes of sinus infections, and are both very soothing and relaxing.

You could also try a natural, salt water spray in your nose, or steam inhalation with aromatherapy essential oils. Really good herbal remedies to take as supplements to your diet are grapefruit seed extract, feverfew and pelargonium.

Another surprising remedy that is very easy to find at home in the kitchen is horseradish - yes, just use ordinary horseradish sauce (or wasabi sauce). This gives instant relief to your sinus symptoms, but do take a little care, and start with a very small amount, as it is quite strong!

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Top 21 Books On Brain Health, Fitness, Training, Neuroplasticity And Neurogenesis

Given the growing media coverage of brain fitness and brain training, we have produced this compilation of the Top 21 Books that help understand these trends, the research behind them, and the implications for all of us.

For your easy browsing, we have categorized them into seven groups:

1) Fascinating books on neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to rewire itself through experience):

- Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain: How a New Science Reveals Our Extraordinary Potential to Transform Ourselves - by Sharon Begley.

- The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science - by Norman Doidge.

- The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind - by Elkhonon Goldberg).

- The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger As Your Brain Grows Older - by Elkhonon Goldberg.

2) User-friendly scientific books on the brain:

- Best of the Brain from Scientific American: Mind, Matter, and Tomorrow's Brain by Floyd E. Bloom.

- A User's Guide to the Brain: Perception, Attention, and the Four Theaters of the Brain - by John J. Ratey.

- In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind - by Eric Kandel.

- Mapping the Mind - by Rita Carter.

- Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind - by V. S. Ramachandran.

- Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: An Updated Guide To Stress, Stress Related Diseases, and Coping - by Robert M. Sapolsky.

3) On how to apply all this to education and learning:

- Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture Your Child's Intelligence, Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence - by Marian Diamond and Janet Hopson.

- The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning - by James Zull.

- Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner's Potential - by Eric Jensen.

4) On how to apply cognitive and positive psychology to solve other real-world problems:

- Thanks: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier - by Robert Emmons.

- The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person - by Judith Beck.

- Enhancing Trader Performance: Proven Strategies From the Cutting Edge of Trading Psychology - by Brett Steenbarger.

5) With a health/medical angle:

- The Brain Trust Program: A Scientifically Based Three-Part Plan - by Larry McCleary.

- The Memory Prescription: Dr. Gary Small's 14-Day Plan to Keep Your Brain and Body Young - by Gary Small.

- Brain Longevity: The Breakthrough Medical Program that Improves Your Mind and Memory - by Dharma Singh Khalsa.

6) Reference manual:

- The Dana Guide to Brain Health Guide: A Practical Family Reference from Medical Experts by Floyd E. Bloom, M. Flint Beal, and David J. Kupfer.

7) Good combination of information and activities:

- Building Mental Muscle: Conditioning Exercises for the Six Intelligence Zones - by David Gamon and Allen D. Bragdon.

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A New Dental Plan For The Health Of Your Teeth

Everybody worries about their teeth, at least when the toothaches begin. However, not everyone can afford dental work. You may not have any dental coverage with your health plan or may lack any sort of health coverage period. Caring for your dental needs is very important, not only for cosmetic reasons, but also for the relief of pain and for healthier gums. One option that might be of interest to you is an alternative dental plan.

This type of plan has managed to provide many households with supplementary coverage, specifically for the cost of dental work. Not only would such a dental plan cover special dental procedures, it would also allow members to save on pharmaceutical medications and orthodontic devices. This type of plan would care for all of your dental needs, from simple procedures like an in-office cleaning to even root canal surgery.

Unfortunately, many health guide coverage providers overlook important types of coverage. Therefore, if you have a household of members that have dental needs, then a supplementary dental plan may be able to help you. When choosing a provider, make sure that the company's dentists and pharmacies are participating in the plan-and that they continue to renew their membership. The company should be able to verify such pertinent information. Without this participation, any form of coverage is useless!

If you are looking for a dental plan provider, then try the program offered by Careington. This provider specializes in supplementary coverage for dental and vision needs. The company offers a program featuring over 54,000 participating dentists and 57,000 pharmacies already signed up to work with the program. For more information visit the official website at

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Bitter Melon - Benefits, Uses, And Research For Diabetes And HIV

Bitter Melon - Benefits, Medicinal Properties

Bitter Melon is reported to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. It has also been reported that Bitter Melon may help in the treatment of HIV

Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia. Bitter Melon is also known by the names Karela and Bitter gourd. Bitter Melon grows in tropical areas, including parts of East Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used as a food as well as a medicine. It is a green cucumber shaped fruit with gourd-like bumps all over it. It looks like an ugly, light green cucumber. The fruit should be firm, like a cucumber. And it tastes very bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of Bitter Melon have all been used, the fruit is the safest and most prevalent part of the plant used medicinally. The leaves and fruit have both been used occasionally to make teas and beer, or to season soups in the Western world.

Does bitter melon have medicinal properties?

Bitter Melon was traditionally used for a dazzling array of conditions by people in tropical regions. Numerous infections, cancer, leukemia, and diabetes are among the most common conditions it was believed to improve. Bitter Melon is reported to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. It has also been thought that Bitter Melon may help in the treatment of HIV, but the evidence thus far is too weak to even consider. The ripe fruit of Bitter Melon has been suggested to exhibit some remarkable anti-cancer effects, but there is absolutely no evidence that it can treat cancer. However, preliminary studies do appear to confirm that Bitter Melon may improve blood sugar control in people with adult-onset (type 2) diabetes.

Is it true that bitter melon capsules are effective in lowering blood sugar of diabetics?

The blood lowering action of the fresh juice of the unripe Bitter Melon has been confirmed in scientific studies in animals and humans. At least three different groups of constituents in Bitter Melon have been reported to have hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) or other actions of potential benefit in diabetes mellitus. These include a mixture of steroidal saponins known as charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. It is still unclear which of these is most effective or if all three work together. Nonetheless, Bitter Melon preparations have been shown to significantly improve glucose tolerance without increasing blood insulin levels, and to improve fasting blood glucose levels.

Rich in iron, bitter melon has twice the beta carotene of broccoli, twice the calcium of spinach, twice the potassium of bananas, and contains vitamins C and B 1 to 3, phosphorus and good dietary fiber. It is believed to be good for the liver and has been proven by western scientists to contain insulin, act as an anti-tumor agent, and inhibit HIV-1 infection.

At least 32 active constituents have been identified in bitter melon so far, including beta-sitosterol-d-glucoside, citrulline, GABA, lutein, lycopene and zeaxanthin. Nutritional analysis reveals that bitter melon is also rich in potassium, calcium, iron, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C.

Even more effective than a conventional drug in lowering blood sugar!

Recently, the Department of Health guide in the Philippines has recommended bitter melon as one of the best herbal medicines for diabetic management. And multiple clinical studies have clearly established the role of bitter melon in people with diabetes. Scientists have now identified three groups of constituents that are thought to be responsible for its 'blood sugar lowering' action.

One of these, a compound called charantin, which is composed of mixed steroids, was found to be more effective than the oral hypoglycaemic drug, tolbutamide, in reducing blood sugar.

Another, an insulin-like polypeptide, called polypeptide P, appears to lower blood sugar in type I (insulin dependent) diabetics, while alkaloids present in the fruit have also been noted to have a blood sugar lowering effect. As yet, researchers are unclear as to which of these compounds is most effective or if it is the synergistic effect of all three. Further research is required to understand how these compounds actually work.

Compounds known as oleanolic acid glycosides have been found to improve glucose tolerance in Type II (maturity onset) diabetics by preventing the absorption of sugar from the intestines. Bitter melon has also been reported to increase the number of beta cells (cells that secrete insulin) in the pancreas, thereby improving your body's capability to produce insulin (insulin promotes the uptake of sugar from your blood by cells and tissues).


A two-day Indian study published in 1999 examined bitter melon's effect on 100 people with type 2 diabetes. On both days, researchers tested the participants' blood sugar levels in a fasting state and after drinking glucose. Participants took 150 to 200 mi of bitter melon extract on the second day. That day, researchers found that 86 percent of the participants experienced an average 14 percent drop in blood sugar after fasting and after drinking glucose.

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Broken Teeth, Bad Dentures Can Irritate The Tongue

Tongue-tied by your doctor's diagnosis of glossitis? Cheer up. It's may not be as bad as you think. To be sure, see a doctor if the problem persists.

Glossitis is the medical term for tongue inflammation and it may be short-lived or a recurring condition. It has many forms and produces a variety of symptoms which affect the color and texture of the tongue.

The acute form may be caused by a local infection, bum, or injury. The tongue becomes swollen and tender and the person may find it difficult to swallow and speak. In severe eases, the tongue is so swollen that it interferes with breathing. This is a medical emergency which requires immediate attention.

"Severe acute glossitis, which can result from local infection, burns and injury, can cause tenderness, pain and swelling to make the tongue protrude from the mouth into the back of the throat - creating the danger of airway obstruction and even suffocation. In severe cases, the patient may not be able to chew, swallow, or speak," according to the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

In others, glossitis may result from irritants such as jagged or broken teeth, poor-filling dentures, poor oral hygiene or the habit of biting the tongue. The tongue may also be irritated by alcohol, tobacco, hot spicy food, mouthwashes, toothpastes, breath fresheners and certain drugs.

Poor nutrition is another cause of glossitis. Vitamin B deficiencies can lead to a sore or cracked tongue and the development of mouth ulcers. In pellagra, which is caused by lack of niacin, the mouth and tongue are sore and the person may experience indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea.

Pernicious anemia, which is caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency, is characterized by a pale, sore tongue and bleeding gums. Iron-deficiency anemia, on the other hand, can also produce a sore tongue and abdominal discomfort. These conditions are easily recognizable by their symptoms.

"Symptoms vary widely, ranging from simple redness of the tip and edge of the tongue (if the cause is pellagra, anemia, or irritation from smoking or a tooth with a rough surface) to painful ulcers and whitish patches. In the later stage of pellagra, the entire tongue may be fiery red, swollen and ulcerated. In iron deficiency and pernicious anemia, the tongue is pale and smooth. Painful ulcers on the tongue may indicate a number of diseases, including herpes, tuberculosis and streptococcal infection," said Consumer Guide.

Fortunately, most cases of glossitis are minor and respond well to simple preventive measures such as avoiding alcohol, tobacco and other known irritants. Avoid the things that make your problem worse. If the problem persists or recurs from time to time, a biopsy or tissue sample may be required to rule out other possible conditions.

"In treating glossitis, specific causes, such as jagged teeth and ill-fitting dentures, should be corrected. Irritants including hot or spicy foods, tobacco and alcohol, should be avoided if they are the source of the trouble. A bland or liquid diet, preferably cool or cold may have a soothing effect. Good oral hygiene is necessary in all cases," said the editors of Consumer Guide.

"Symptomatic relief of large lesions includes rinsing the mouth with a medicated mouthwash before meals. Topical anesthetics, such as lidocaine and benzocaine, can also bring relief. Patients experiencing painful burning should be tested to rule out vitamin B12 deficiency, diabetes and anemia," they concluded.

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| Health Guide

Painful Urination

Do you urinate often? Is it a painful experience? Perhaps you have cystitis, a common problem in women.

Cystitis is the inflammation of the urinary bladder, the organ which holds urine before it leaves the body. It is caused by bacteria which have entered the bladder via the urethra, the tube that carries urine outside the body.

Men do not develop cystitis as often as women because they have longer urethras which make it difficult for bacteria to reach the bladder. Also, in women, the distance between the anus and the external openings of the vagina and urethra is shorter, thereby permitting bacteria to travel from one place to another.

However in men who develop cystitis, the problem can usually be traced to some underlying disorder such as an enlarged prostate. This obstructs the flow of urine from the bladder and causes bacteria to multiply further. Other possible causes of obstruction are tumors and kidney stones.

"Cystitis in men is uncommon. When it does occur, the usual cause is an infection that has spread from an inflamed prostate gland or that has developed in the bladder because of an enlarged prostate," according to he editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

"Urethritis, an infection or inflammation of the urethra, often sets the stage for the development of cystitis. Urethritis occurs in both men and women and is usually acquired through sexual intercourse with an infected individual," they added.

Cystitis is characterized by painful urination. Others may experience a burning or itching sensation. Patients have a frequent urge to urinate and their urine may be cloudy or bloody. Occasionally, they may have low back pain and a slight fever.

To diagnose the problem and identify the infecting agent, your doc¬tor will rely on urine tests as well as the symptoms present. If there is reason to doubt the results of a simple urinalysis, a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) may be inserted into the bladder through the urethra although this is not always necessary in men.

For difficult or chronic cases of cystitis which are usually caused by an obstruction, special x-ray studies may be required to make a correct diagnosis. Cystitis is a simple problem which can be treated easily; but if the underlying problem is not treated, recurrence is common and things can get worse.

Oral antibiotics are the first line of defense against cystitis. Large single doses may be used or the drugs may be given for months depending on the severity of the problem.

"If the same organism is causing the trouble, the condition may require larger doses of medication or long-term treatment (for up to four to six weeks). If cystitis persists daily doses of medications may be necessary for up to six months. It is important that dosage instructions be followed exactly, because a person is vulnerable to a new infection or reinfection if the entire course of recommended drug therapy is not completed," said Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

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A Quick Guide To Vegetable Enzymes

Healthcare is an important issue for everyone. How we take care of our body throughout our life makes a big difference in the way we age and the diseases we may suffer.

Preventive Health Care

Enzymes are an important factor in our body's health. Enzymes are catalysts that start a chemical reaction to help us digest and absorb our food. If we do not have the proper help, our body cannot assimilate and use the nutrients we feed it. Health care will become a dreaded subject.

Many diseases and health guide concerns could be avoided with the right diet and enzymes. Some people cannot digest their food properly and become overweight while others suffer all manner of upper and lower digestive problems. As we age we lose our ability to digest properly, which causes more health care problems.

What Enzymes Do

There are different types of enzymes that work on a particular food. Amylase works to break down carbohydrates, starches and sugars. Protease breaks down protein in meat, eggs, and cheese. Lipase breaks down fats in dairy products and meats. There are others that are not as general and provide more specific functions.

Proper Nutrition

Because of a lack of good digestion, many people suffer from a deprivation of nutrition. This causes other health care problems. To maintain healthy skin, good cholesterol levels, good memory, healthy bones and joints, we must keep our body nourished and healthy. Lack of nutrition also causes sleep disorders and weight loss or gain and energy loss. Many health care concerns could be avoided with better digestion.

Good Health Care

When someone eats healthy all their life, their organs will be strong and able to fight off disease and illness. But if you cannot get enough nutrients with your food alone, enzymes will help spread the right reactions to each part of the body. Different enzymes will work with others to get each job done. Taking a vitamin supplement with enzymes or making an effort to consume more vegetables could make a vital difference in men's and women's health. Vitamins are much less expensive than healthcare these days!

Raw foods contain healthy enzymes, but heated and processed foods lose most, if not all, of their strength. Eating raw cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage will provide critical enzymes and also act as cancer blockers. For continuing good health, eating raw vegetables is very important.

Everyone Needs Enzymes

There have been doctors who have treated patients' serious diseases and cancer with diet and enzymes, which show the importance of this factor in our body. Don't neglect the needs of your body. For your own good health care, make sure you do not lack this vital digestive aid.

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Your Guide To Healthy Skin

Our skin perform many important functions that we take for granted most of the time, despite the fact that it's the body's largest organ. Understanding how the skin works and common problems can help keep that natural healthy glow.

For most adults, their skin will cover almost two kilometres in area and can make up to about a sixth of their body weight.

Did you know... skin replace itself regularly - new cells replace old ones every four weeks or so. Your skins thickness varies on different parts of your body - for example, the soles of your feet, which have tougher time, have thicker skin.

Your kin is made up of a high percentage of water, similar to most other parts of your body - in fact skin has up to 20% of your body's total water content. To stay health, your skin needs to maintain a high percentage of water and you need to make sure you keep your skin hydrated - especially after excess exposure to sun or wind which will dry out your skin. Drinking water and using moisturizers are two easy ways to maintain your skins water content.

Your skin is made up of three layers, the outer layer i called the epidermis and this has four layers of it's own. This where the old, dead skin cells are shed and replaced by new cells from the skins deeper layers which are known as the dermis and subcutaneous layers.

So what does our skin do?

One of the main functions of the skin is to keep the body's temperature at safe levels at all times, so regulating it when we are too hot or too cold. Our body's temperature should stay around 37 degrees Celsius and our skin helps us to do this, when we are hot, sweat will evaporate to help us keep cool, and when we're cold, hairs stand up on end, trapping air which helps us to stay warm. Many outside factors influence the health guide of our skin and limiting their effects is one of the ways we can all help to maintain healthy skin. Your skin plays an important role in protecting you from ultraviolet rays, bacteria and dehydration.

Skin complaints

Skin complaints range from more common dry skin to eczema, psoriasis and veruccas and can affect anyone. If you are concerned about your skin or would like further information about how to treat and existing conditions you can ask your pharmacist for advice and guidance on the best treatments.

Dry Skin

Your skin is directly exposed to the elements and can dry out because of extremes in the weather, excess sun, wind or cold. Our skin contains a high level of water and will become dry and flaky if it dries out. You may feel your skin becoming itchy and peeling.

There are many ways that you can prevent and treat dry skin. To try and stop your skin drying out you should aim to apply moisturizer once a day, in particular to vulnerable areas on your hands and face. Also try to keep hydrated - it is recommended that you drink eight lasses of water, juice or soft drinks everyday. Protecting yourself in extreme weather conditions will also help to prevent dry and cracked skin so try and cover up with gloves and a scarf in winter weather and a hat in summer. Visit your pharmacist for advice on the best kind of protection for you.


Eczema is a group of skin conditions, often called dermatitis. These conditions can range from mild to quite serious and can affect people of all ages. Eczema is not contagious and at the moment there is no cure, only treatments. Eczema symptoms can range from dry, hot and itchy skin to raw. Inflamed and bleeding skin.

Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 children of school age has eczema and the figure for adults is around 1 in 12.

There are many different causes of eczema and they differ for different people - what is a trigger for you may not affect someone else at all. There are also different types of eczema - some are inherited and these are usually triggered by allergic reactions to things in the environment; for example dust or animal fur. Other types of eczema are caused by exposure to irritants which could include washing powder or chemicals in some household products.

There are a range of treatments available that can help reduce the symptoms of eczema and there are steps that you can take to reduce the likelihood of symptoms occurring again. Visit your pharmacist to discuss treatments for eczema. This could include bath oils, emollients, creams, lotions or, for more serious conditions, steroid preparations.

It is important that you prevent moisture loss from your skin as much as possible and these treatments will help. To minimize future outbreaks of eczema you can also try using in perfumed soap and non biological washing powders.


Acne affects many of us at some time in our lives. It is estimated that up to 90& of teenagers have acne at some point. However it is a common misconception that acne occurs only in teenagers. In fact it can affect up to 25% of adult men and 50% of adult women.

Acne is a condition which causes the skin to develop small red lumps. You will usually see them on the face, arms, back and chest. It is caused by overactive oil glands which results in blocked pores in the skin causing blackheads, whitehead or deep lumps or cysts. Acne usually occurs in teenagers and can continue for some people in their 40's or 50's.

Pregnancy or menstruation can contribute to outbreaks of acne, as can pollution, humidity or extreme heat or cold.

Early treatment for acne is important as it can make you self-conscious and in severe cases can cause scarring. Treatments are available from your pharmacist in the form of creams, lotions or gels which contain benzoyl peroxide. If your acne is severe you should consult your doctor who may recommend that you use a stronger treatments or an antibiotic.

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Health Insurance For People Over 50

For anyone between 50 and 65 years who will be looking for some health cover or is already looking, you could be in need of a lot of help. This age is crucial in that many of the body's systems are just about ready to start failing plunging you into serious health challenges. Using statistics (a tool used extensively to create the product structures) insurance companies know that the expenditure on health guide for the 20 to 45 year-old group will be a lot less than for the 50 to 65 year-old group. Therefore, the premiums for older persons are higher.

Do not despair, as we are smart we will be sure to find a way. Let us look at some options available.

For those who are still working and may be looking at starting a business or going to retire, there are a few areas worthy of your investigating. Does the company you work for allow you to buy insurance through their plan? For early retirement, if the company allows, they may be able to subsidize a portion of the premiums. If there is no subsidy, you may still be entitled to group rates which are less than for individuals. If you spouse will remain in employment seriously look at joining their plan if this is possible.

Another option is COBRA or Consolidate Omnibus Budget Reconciliation ACT, for those still in employment that gives health insurance cover. Former employees and their families can continue the cover for up to a year and a half. COBRA is also guaranteed. You can not be turned down even for chronic illnesses. The downside is the cost. During your employment the employer normally meets 70% of the premium. Own your own you will cover the full premium and administration costs on top. A 1997 survey showed that on average a retired employee would pay $1,008 for family cover and $373 for the individual health cover.

Even if you are not in employment, there are some options open for you. For those with pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes who fail to get insurance, coverage is still available through the states' high-risk program especially set up to help this group of people. Like COBRA, the premiums are quite high.

You should also check professional organizations that you could join or already a member of or are affiliated to see if the membership offers health insurance cover. As this is a group cover, your premiums will be low.

Lastly, the health insurance scheme for individuals. There are now very good offerings in this area as providers believe the 50-65 age group has potential for growth. These individuals also have a fair income and are in good health. Companies believe that even when the oldies become eligible for Medicare, they will still opt for supplemental cover. Some of these options have monthly premiums as low as $200 for individuals in fair health, but carry high deductibles. Some advisors recommend combining opening health savings accounts (HSA) when taking out a cover with high deductibles. HSA contributions are not taxed, nor are any withdrawals made towards qualified medical expenses and the balance at year end can be rolled over to the next year.

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4 Things To Know About Low Cost Maternity Health Insurance

Surveys show that some 15% of American women are without maternity health insurance. Should there be medical complications the medical bills they will face can be devastating. This piece will show you how to obtain cheap health cover that to save you from penury.

What does maternity health insurance mean?

A health insurance cover with an in-built maternity option. As of today, there are no health insurance plans that cover only maternity health.

The plans available that include maternity health insurance cover are:

* This is an indemnity plan but is very expensive as it allows you to select a hospital or doctor of your choosing.
* The cheapest plans are the managed health care packages (PPO, POS, HMO) that will assign your medical care to a network of hospitals and doctors. These have the cheapest plans available.

What is covered by maternity health insurance?

The basic insurance cover will pay for about all you maternity related medical expenses: hospital fees, doctors' charges and any prescription drugs needed during the pregnancy.

Is maternity health insurance for pregnant women?

It is not availed anyone by private companies if you are pregnant on application. There are however some state run covers like Medicaid health guide and California's Medi-cal designed for low-income families. You can visit your state's website to find out if the state runs a maternity program for low-income groups.

If you are ineligible for state supported maternity health cover and are already pregnant, you should call hospitals in your locale and try to bargain for lower rates. A good number of hospitals can offer you a discount provided that you pay their fees in cash.

Where do I find low-cost maternity health insurance?

By visiting insurance comparison sites and getting quotes from many companies will be about the best way of finding the cheapest cover, unless you qualify for state funded programs.

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6 Parenting Tips on Special Education Law and Transportation

Are you the parent of a child with autism or a physical disability that needs transportation? Do you wonder what the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states is the schools responsibility, to provide transportation for your child? This article will discuss what IDEA requires as far as transportation for your child with a disability. Also discussed are parenting tips that you can use, to help your child receive this important service.

Under IDEA transportation is considered a related service. A related service is transportation, developmental, corrective, and other services. . .as may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. . .
What this means is that if your child requires transportation in order to benefit from their education, special education personnel are required to provide it.

Parenting Tips:

1. When advocating for your child, remember that; transportation not only means to and from school, but also in and around the school building, and any specialized equipment required by your child.

2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prevents discrimination on the basis of disability. The law reads: No qualified student shall on the world health org feeding basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any . . .transportation. . .or activity.

For Example: Your child with a physical disability is not allowed to go on a field trip, because the class cannot get the wheelchair bus. This would be a section 504 complaint, because your child is being discriminated against, on the basis of their disability. I have dealt with this situation, and the school district usually quickly fixes the transportation problem, if you tell them that you may file a Section 504 complaint. Section 504 is covered by the Office of Civil Rights in Washington, though each state has at least one office.

3. If your child requires an assistant in the classroom then you may be able to get a bus assistant, if your child's disability requires it. The goal of transportation as a related service is to provide safe access to education. So if your child needs a bus assistant in order to get safely to school, school personnel are required to provide it.

4. If your school district is not providing needed transportation for your child, you can be reimbursed, for providing the transportation world health org feeding yourself. Make sure that your child's IEP, states that they need transportation as a related service, and that you will be reimbursed.

A district may also be required to reimburse parents where:

A. Transportation is needed to provide FAPE and the district fails to meet its obligation.
B. The district doesn't recognize the need for transportation.
C. The district makes inadequate provisions for transportation.

5. If your child's extracurricular activity is related to their IEP goals and objectives, then transportation must be given. For Example: If your child has autism and needs to work on social skills, they can gain that from extra curricular activities. In that case transportation needs to be given by your school district.

6. School districts are not allowed to shorten your child's school day due to transportation. Unfortunately it happens all the time, and you may have to stand up to special education personnel for the good of your child.

IDEA gives children with disabilities equal educational opportunity, which means a full school day. I have often said that if parents of children without disabilities found out there child was to leave school early for transportation, they would be outraged. But parents of special needs children are supposed to accept it. Do not accept it, stand up for your child.

This article has given you a lot of good information about transportation, that you can use to benefit your child's education.

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Flax And Health Benefits

Even thousands of years ago, at the early stage of civilization, human beings in such parts of the world as Egypt and Babylon were aware of the many health guide benefits of flax towards making a healthy and disease free system.

But what is flax seed, exactly?

Flex is a kind of oil seed that has been produced for thousands of years in the fertile soils at the banks of river valleys.
Flax can be classified into two broad types:

The first variety falls under the category of oil seed and is grown for the sole purpose of being used as seeds.

The second variety is cultivated as fiber to be specifically used in the textile industry.

Where to find it?

The ancient flax crops were produced as field crops in large scale in the fertile lands of Babylon and Egypt. From these places, the flax production has spread across the countries of Africa and from there to Europe. It didn’t take much time to cross the Atlantic to arrive at USA. Today flax is grown all over the world. But majority of the flax production of world today comes from USA and Canada. In North America as a whole, flax is produced commercially as oil seed varieties. In the USA, vast regions of North and South Dakota are known for their extensive flax production.

The health benefits of flax

It was around 650 B.C. that Hippocrates had made known the magical qualities of flax in reducing abdominal pains. Over the course of history, many health and nutritional benefits have been discovered by the scientists. Today it is considered that flax as the part of balanced diet has the potential of cutting on the risk of many dangerous diseases including cancer and cardio vascular diseases. But how does it make this magic possible? Let’s describe one by one.

Flax seed is the best source of good fats in our body

Flax seed oil comes with a high content of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA). ALA is an essential fatty acid which we have to consume through the foods, as our body does not manufacture it. Once inside the body, ALA is converted into EPA and DHA. These two substances help maintain heart health and brain function and prevent arthritis and thrombotic disease. ALA also helps in improving immune function, cancer prevention, and male infertility.

Great laxative

Flax is also a great source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. Thus consumption of flax seeds or flax oils works for improved bowel movement and colon function.

Antioxidant properties

Among the vegetations, flax is the highest supplier of lignans---by fighting against some environmental toxins. Lignans also help reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer, especially breast and colon cancers.

Prevents Male Infertility

DHA deficiency in sperm cells leads to male infertility. The ALA in flax helps to overcome this shortcoming.

Now that you know the many benefits of Flax, consider adding flaxseeds or flax seed oil to your daily diet in whole, milled or capsule form. For adequate supplementation of ALA and lignans in your body, consider consuming 30 gm flax on regular basis.

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Impact Of Health Education On Women

The impact of health education on women can help them to cope with the changes that occur in their bodies. A woman's body is a delicate but complex entity. It must be able to handle all of the various changes that take place while being able to make the necessary adjustments at the different stages throughout her life. That is why it is so important that all women become educated about her body. This will help her to understand all the changes that her body goes through and help her to cope with all those changes. It will also give her a better idea of when to know that something is wrong.

In fact, a health guide for women should be a tool in her library and should be referred to often. A good health guide will teach proper techniques to remain fit and healthy. It can even provide information on doing proper exercises, pampering the muscles, and even how to maintain a high level of activity at all times. In addition it can teach her the importance of taking a supplemental diet to improve her fitness and overall health.

Health education begins at home

The home is the first place for a woman to begin her health education, and it is important that it start at a very early age. Young girls should ask their mothers about changes in her body and what to expect. Simple issues, such as menstruation, should be discussed at a young age so that young women are able to cope with any changes and overcome any feelings of shock that she may experience.

Health education should continue throughout a woman's life. She should understand what happens when her hormones are out of balance, especially when it is time for her periods. She should learn what to expect during pregnancy and finally what the period of menopause will be like. In fact, such changes in a woman's hormones may have such a profound impact on her life and her health that it is really important that she understands what is going on. She should become educated in coping with mood swings, possible depression, and even certain diseases and conditions.

The good news is that today there is an abundance of information available to help women take better care of their health. It is not like in the past where there was a lack of information. Just search the internet and a ton of information can be found on almost any topic. Visit any doctor's office and you will find a number of flyers and brochures covering a wide variety of women's issues.

It is also a good idea to always consult with your healthcare provider before telling yourself you have something or that something is wrong with you. They can help you to determine what, if anything, is really wrong and provide information on the best course of treatment.

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Catastrophic Health Coverage - Pros And Cons

Catastrophic health insurance is a basic medical policy that provides financial coverage and security for severe medical conditions. A plan of this kind usually features benefits that cover expenses for medical specialists, an extended stay in the hospital, transportation between medical facilities, etc.

The Pros
Along with practical benefits provided by a catastrophic health guide insurance, the peace of mind it brings is also of major consideration. With such an insurance plan, you will no longer have to worry about your whole family's medical bills being left unpaid.

Also, many catastrophic health plans offer considerable benefit payments for a lifetime. The payments usually range between $1 million to $3 million. In the event that this cap is reached, the policy will be deemed void and the insurance company will no longer pay for medical expenses you incur.

Premium payments for catastrophic health coverage are generally lower than that of comprehensive coverage.

This type of plan also grants support for frequent travelers in the unfortunate event that they experience a health emergency while they are away from home.

The Cons
Although this type of plan typically costs less, it also offers a smaller number of benefits compared to comprehensive coverage. For example, catastrophic health plan does not afford coverage for expenses made on chronic health maintenance, except those that were acquired as a result of a catastrophic event.

Most catastrophic health plans also do not afford coverage for pregnancy, while others do not offer coverage for maternity for a whole year after the policy's effective date.

Further, catastrophic health plans are not offered to people who have pre-existing conditions. These conditions include AIDS, diabetes, emphysema, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, etc.

Finally, although it extends benefits to frequent travelers, some catastrophic insurance plans will not be honored when used outside the United States.

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Eye Health Care Tips

Today's world is totally based around computers, TV and other electronic visual elements that affect eyes with their harmful rays .Eyes are the most essential part of the body and much sensitive too.

When you sit in front of the computer whole day watching TV, reading books or when your eyes get exposed in pollution, it affects eyes very adversely. It makes your eyes look over worked and tired. In the busy life schedule give some relaxation to your eyes, spend 15-20min every day on eye exercise, and wash your eyes daily with clean and cold water.

It is important to cure your vision before it take chance to develop bad effects. Prevention is definitely better than cure. So what you can do for your eyes?

* Give proper relaxation to your eyes
* Do not expose your eyes to sunlight, wear sunglasses
* Wash eyes with clean and cold water regularly
* Take a layer of cotton dip into cold milk and put it on your eyes it will give relax to your eyes and also remove dark circles.
* Cotton layer dip into Coconut oil and rub it out skin of your eyes it gives nourishment and shine to your eyes.
* Take regular eye exercises.
* Take proper vitamin containing food and green vegetables.
* See greenery till five minutes it will increase your vision.
* Minerals and many eyes drop product can take care of your eyes.
* Dust particle can be harmful for eyes so clean your eyes daily

Which supplements or vitamins are the best for eyes?

Vitamin A -it helps from many eye disorders; lack of vitamin A can lead to corneal ulcer and night blindness

Source of vitamin A: - carrots, sweet potatoes and liver and many green vegetables.

Vitamin C -need to reduce the pressure in glaucoma and slow down the affect of degeneration.

Source of vitamin C: - fruits like oranges, strawberries, rosehip and broccoli, bioflavonoid and much more.

Vitamin E - It helps in the risk of contracts and muscular degeneration.

Source of vitamin E - Some rich foods are Dry Fruits and nuts like almond and hazelnuts and many more

Zinc: -Found in red meat, oysters and wheat.

As you all are aware that "Improper Diet is the Root to many diseases". So First of all if you take health care of your diet and take proper Vitamins and foods, mineral, water green vegetables, it will give a direct relation in nutrition and vision of your eyes.

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Insider's Guide To Dental Insurance

Would you like a dental plan for your entire family that costs less than $200 a year and can save you thousands on your dental bills? Take a few minutes and read through this brief article. It might give you a new insight on dental insurance and save you some money.

I know that you would you like a PPO dental plan with no waiting period that will cover all of your dental work. But, if you have tried to find one, you already know that such a plan does not exist. The PPO dental plans that are available are absurdly expensive, will not cover major dental work for one year and have a cap of $1,000 or less.

If you are a careful shopper and do the simple math, you will realize that unless you need a significant amount of dental work for the next few years, you will come up on the short end of the stick each and every time.

The companies that sell dental insurance and dental plans make an enormous profit on the plans. They do this by using the following methods, which you should be aware of:

1. They do not cover major dental work for at least one year. On some plans, they will make you wait 6 months to a year before they will even cover a filling. Or they will cover major work at a reduced rate (i.e. 10% coverage) during the first year and then advertise "no waiting period".

2. They put a cap on the amount they will pay out in a year. Usually it is $750 to $1,000.

3. Most plans have deductibles. That way, you pay for most of your cleaning or routine checkup.

4. They sometimes use a "usual and customary" payment schedule. In other words, they pay out $35 for the $75 cleaning.

However, in spite of all these loopholes, there is one type of plan that still makes sense.

Let me say a word about dentists before I continue.

It should come as no surprise that any dental or medical practice is first and foremost a business. You cannot blame the dentist for operating his or her practice in a way that will yield the highest profits. Dentistry is hard work. They do not sit around taking your medical history and ordering tests. It is a physical job.

I do not want to tell you that you should change dentists just to get a discount. That is up to you. But, many dentists will not accept any type of discount plan at all. If your dentist wants to charge you $1600 for a crown and a root canal and you can have it done for half that amount with a dentist who accepts the network fee schedule, you have a difficult decision to make.

Why I Like Discount Plans

I am a coupon guy. Yes, I admit it. I clip coupons for things I buy regularly and love the restaurant coupons. "Buy one and get on free" gets my attention. So, it is natural that I am attracted to dental discount plans. But, there is plenty to like about them.

- These plans generally cost less than $15.00 a month for the entire family. If you use a dentist in the network, you will get significant savings on all of your dental expenses.

- Some plans offer free cleanings, exam and/or x-rays.

- There are no waiting periods. You can buy the plan and in a few days visit the dentist.

- There are network dentists in most states and cities.

The Downside

If your dentist told you to find a PPO dental plan because that is all they will take, your dentist will probably not be a discount plan network. You will either need to find a new dentist or reach into your savings.

Specialists are not included in the discount schedule. You will find fine print that says network specialist offer a flat 20% discount. Still, better than nothing.

That is it. There are no other negatives that I can think of. It is like having a "Buy One, Get One Free" coupon for the dentist.

Finding a Discount Dental Plan

Fortunately, there are literally dozens of discount dental plans. Some are regional and work best in a particular city or state. Others use large national networks.

The best site we have found for dental plans is dentalplanadvisor. Just put the www before it and the dot com after it to go directly to the website. Or you can find the address in the resource box at the bottom of this article. They have numerous dental plans including discount networks.

Martin Unger is a nationally known expert in health guide insurance. He started one of the first online health insurance agencies in the United States.

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Importance Of Mental Health Among Youth

Mental health is not merely the absence of mental illness, but it also the ability to cope with the challenges in life. Mental health guide is as important as physical health to everybody. Youths usually experiment with attitudes, appearances, and behaviors. Most of their experiments are harmless, but some experiments may have terrible results. Children and youths experience mental health problem such as stress, anxiety, harassment, family problems, depression, learning disability, etc. Serious mental health problems, such as self-injurious behaviors and suicide, are increasing among youth.

A good mental health is essential for leading a good life. Youth cannot succeed in academic and personal life effectively if they are struggling with a mental health problem, such as depression or unsteady feeling due to academic, social or family pressures.

Failure to detect youth's mental health problem may result in negative consequences such as increased risk for academic failure, social isolation, unsafe sexual behavior, drug and alcohol abuse, suicide attempt, unemployment, and poor health. A recent report says, The rising rates of mental and emotional problems among U.S. children and youngsters signal a crisis for the country.

Depression, anxiety, attention deficit, conduct disorders, suicidal thinking, and other serious psychological problems are striking more and more children and youths. Conservative estimates say one in every ten children and adolescents now suffers from mental illness severe enough to cause impairment." Even if detected earlier, unfortunately many children and youth do not receive the help they need. Some reports are there that most children and youth who need a mental health evaluation do not receive services and that the rates of use of mental health services are also low.

Parents and adults must take care of the youth's mental health. The parents and adults must talk with the youth, be a good role models to them, advice them to choose good friends, and monitor their activities.

There is a growing and unmet need for mental health services for children and youth. Mental health services are important for student's and youth's success. Prevention programs help in early identification of mental health problems in youth. These programs provide education on mental health issues, violence prevention, social skills training, harassment prevention, suicide prevention, conflict resolution, and screening for emotional and behavioral problems. The Family Guide Web sites are designed for parents and other adults to emphasize the importance of family, promote mental health, and help prevent underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.

Good mental health is very important for youth's success. In order to emphasize the importance of mental health in youth, the following steps can be taken: Create awareness of child and youth mental health issues; provide a comprehensive guide for effective and meaningful youth meetings for organizations and professionals; and Conduct programs to generate awareness about youth's mental health in each communities. Awareness about the importance of mental health issues among youth equally important to other physical issues, such as heart disease, AIDS, cancer, etc. Local and state health officials must draw more attention to the importance of mental health treatment of affected children and youths.

Attention to youth's mental health will more effectively improve their life standard. This also positively impacts their academic and personal life achievements. The families, society and youths benefit only when mental health problems in youths are identified and prevented earlier.

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