Humana One Health Insurance Company Of Florida Review

A Humana Health Insurance Company of Florida review is a useful piece of information to anyone who is considering taking out a policy with the company. It is always vital to check out insurance companies before you do business with them. That is why a Humana One Health Insurance Company of Florida review is so important. If you are in the market for health insurance in the Sunshine State, find out if they may be a good option of your and your family by reading this review and then comparing some Humana Florida health insurance quotes.

Financial Stability

Humana Health Insurance Company of Florida has an A- rating with A.M. Best, one of the leading independent insurance ratings companies. This rating indicates that the company is considered financially stable.

Independent Ranking

Humana Health Insurance Company of Florida is not one of the higher-ranking companies in the country in terms of the best health plans for 2007. In fact, it ranked #194 in the nation with a score of 80.3 out of a possible 100. The ratings they received in terms of treatment and consumer assessment were a little low. They did better in terms of preventative care however. It is important to bear in mind that the #1 plan in the country only had a score of 91.7.

Compare Humana One Florida Health Insurance Quotes Online

Now that you know the latest on how Humana Health Guide Insurance Company of Florida reviews, you are ready to get quotes and start comparing prices between Humana and other companies. You can get quotes quickly and easily by using a free online quote tool. The Humana One Florida health insurance plans are very strong and quite affordable for many but of course no one company is right for everyone so be sure and shop around.

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Effect Of Junk Food On Health

No matter what age you are junk food is not good for your health. Most junk food is high in sodium, sugar, and fat. Over the long term junk food increases your chances of developing health problems. Teenagers are known to eat junk food in excess. They love hamburgers, fries, shakes, soda, potato chips, candy, ice cream and other snack foods. Most junk food contributes no nutritional value to the body. When eaten in moderation junk food can be included in your diet. What are some of the long term side effects of eating too much junk food on health?

* A lack of energy because junk food does not give you the nutrients you need to function properly. You may feel tired or lack the energy needed to finish a task at work or home. You may crave sugar feeling very hungry and weak due to the imbalance the junk food will create in your body.

*Another side effect is poor concentration because you feel tired due to the accumulations of fat in your body. There is lack of vital oxygen that can affect your brain cells due to lack of healthy food in your system.

*Heart disease may develop because of the accumulations of plaque in the arteries. Junk food causes your heart to have to put extra effort into pumping the blood. So it suffers damage receiving oxygen and fatigues from the extra effort to pump blood through clogged veins.

*High cholesterol results at times damaging your liver and hurting your heart. Not only that you often put on weight due to the fat and high carbohydrates in junk food. Many children develop weight problems from eating too much junk food. So too much is not good for your health

*Some people that eat junk food develop diabetes which is not good because most snack food have too much sugar. Some people develop high blood pressure because of the high sodium content in junk food.

*Other problems it causes with kids are mood swings, lack of interest in physical exercise, constipation, weight gain, and other illnesses.

It is found that in rural American junk food diets are very common. That is because many poor consumers cannot afford the high prices of fresh fruit and vegetables. Some areas do not have that many supermarkets to shop at. Many rural consumers live only near convenience stores that do not carry a good selection of healthy foods. Poverty is another barrier to healthy eating and reason junk food diets continue.

Overall eating too much junk food has negative effects on children and adults l health. It is a habit that should be controlled by cutting back on the amounts we eat. It is appealing because it is easy to eat and tastes good. But the food tastes good because of high fat, high salt and high sugar all bad in excess for your health. So too much junk food is not good for your health learn to enjoy junk food in moderation.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about effect of junk food on health, please visit The Health Guide for current articles and discussions.

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How To Prevent Child Obesity

Though obesity does not directly cause death but it's the diseases caused by obesity like high blood pressure, cancer or diabetes that plays a crucial role in premature passing away of the obese people. The prevention of obesity is extremely important if we take into account the hazards and disadvantages associated with it. Here we will discuss some easy ways to prevent child obesity.

- The proper education of pregnant women is very important as generally they develop health awareness during pregnancy. If proper habits of eating and living are developed during this period, it is likely that they may continue for lifetime. And besides that afterwards their children may also imbibe them. Those babies who develop correct habits in their childhood are saved from obesity in their later life.

- There should be proper diet control during the first year of infant's life. Generally the fat in the human body is in the form of independent adipose tissues. Usually fat cells are formed during the first year of an infant's life, and their number does not increase afterwards. So, if an infant is overfed during the first year of its life, the number of fat cells exceeds the normal limit. Later on, fat gets deposited in these cells, eventually causing obesity. In other words, if the number of fat cells is not allowed to exceed normal limits, the chances of developing obesity are also reduced.

- The large intake of carbohydrates plays a crucial role in causing obesity. If an infant is not overfed with carbohydrates during the first year of his life, the possibility of his becoming obese later on are reduced almost nil. In short, do not let the child develop carbohydrate addiction. Right from the beginning, encourage him to cultivate the habit of taking proper and balanced diet.

- For a child, breastfeeding is very helpful in fighting against obesity. Several researches show those breasts fed babies are less obese than those fed on external milk.

- Always insist that your child should chew his food properly. His food should not be so soft that he can gulp it down his throat without making any effort to chew it.

- Sometimes, parents don't let their children participate in sports or other physical activities. They are always afraid that their child will be hurt if he indulges in any such activity. This lack of activity may develop obesity in your child.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health guide professional before embarking on any health program.

Know How to Lose Love Handles naturally. Also read about Fat Loss Supplements at Fat Loss guide - a health guide to make you and your family fit and healthy.

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Natural Family Planning Methods

Natural Family Planning methods (NFP) are variations of the rhythm method. This covers techniques used to determine a woman's fertile and infertile periods within her menstrual cycles.

This is done by knowing when ovulation (the release of an egg from one of the woman's ovaries each month) takes place and abstaining from intercourse during a woman's fertile days. Fertility is known by checking the calendar and observing certain bodily signs like fluctuations in body temperature or changes in the vaginal mucus.

"Each of the approaches in natural family planning involves a conscientious awareness of when you can become pregnant, which is but a brief span approximately in the middle of each menstrual cycle - from about 72 hours before ovulation to about 24 hours after ovulation. The key is to determine when these days are and then to avoid having intercourse during that time," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book."

"All told, a couple needs to abstain from intercourse seven to 10 days a month in order to have the greatest chance of preventing pregnancy," added the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

NFP is the only birth control method approved by the Catholic Church but millions of people throughout the world rely on it either because of religious convictions, poverty (which prevents them from buying other effective contraceptives) or ignorance of other contraceptive methods.

There are four types of NFP methods: the temperature method, the calendar method, the mucus inspection method and the muco-thermal method. Each of these techniques has a different way of determining the time of ovulation.

How good are these methods? NFP has a success rate of 80 to 99 percent depending on the kind of technique you use. In general, the more restrictive the method, the greater the chances of avoiding pregnancy.

"This may surprise you: if followed faithfully, some types of 'natural' birth control can prevent pregnancy better than the diaphragm or condom. But there's a big hitch: the most effective versions of this method are so restrictive that it's all too easy to slip up," according to Deborah Franklin in Health magazine.

In the temperature method, ovulation is determined by taking the woman's temperature daily first thing in the morning after waking. This should be done preferably at the same time each day using a sensitive "basal" thermometer. It's also advisable to take the temperature at the same spot - either in the mouth or armpits. A slight rise in body temperature usually indicates ovulation. Sex should be avoided for at least two days after the temperature increase.

"Near the middle of the menstrual cycle, the temperature may drop slightly (indicating that ovulation is about to occur) and then rise rapidly and continue to climb for the next three days. The temperature will not return to preovulation levels until the beginning of the menstrual period. The 'safe' days to have sexual intercourse are from four days after the sudden rise in temperature until three or four days after the end of the period. It is important to become familiar with the menstrual cycle by recording temperature levels for several months before relying on this method of birth control," said the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

The calendar method works by determining the probable day of ovulation with the help of a doctor. To do this, a woman must keep a record of her menstrual cycle for a year or more. From this record, the doctor can pinpoint "safe" and "unsafe" days.
"Subtract 18 days from the number of days in the shortest cycle (14 days from ovulation to your period and four days for the average life of sperm) and 10 days from the longest cycle (14 days from ovulation to your period, minus one day for the lifespan of an egg and minus three days for a margin of error) . The numbers you calculate are the first and last days of your cycle during which you can become pregnant," Larson explained. (Next: The Billings birth control method.)

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10 Ways You Can Increase Your Sperm Count

Causes for low sperm count:

Infected semen

Tight underpants, bathing in very hot water, sitting for long hours, over weight in which fat layers sag on testicles reduce sperm count

Very frequent semen ejaculation also lead to lowered sperm count and man may become effectively infertile. Hence maintaining a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations keeps a man more fertile.

Smoking, Excessive alcohol intake.

Over exertion physically and mentally

Zinc deficiency

Infections present in prostate gland.

Malformed genital organs.

Anabolic steroid use

10 Ways you can Increase Your Sperm Count

1. Have sex & masturbate less often - the more times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.

2. Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc. - Alcohol affects your liver function, which, in turn, causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels. Even two drinks a day will have long-term effects on sperm production

3. Exercise regularly.Exercising your PC muscle can help you shoot further than ever before.

4. Eat Nutritious Food - Diet that's low in fat, and high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains is good for your health and for your sperm. Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods.Reduce caffeine intake

5. Avoid heating of testicles - Wear loose, cotton boxer shorts, Avoid hot baths and saunas

6. Lose any excess weight, which tends to cause testosterone/oestrogen imbalances.

7. Reduce stress levels by learning relaxation techniques - Keep your mind and body healthy by regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION.

8. Massage body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation.

9. Try supplements - Certain natural supplements promise to increase sperm production. Checkout some Natural and Herbal, no side effects supplements at

10. Make love in the early morning or afternoon. Sperm levels are often highest in the mornings.

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Choose Both A Health Insurance Company And A Plan

When you are buying health insurance it is important to look not just at the different plans on offer but also at the different insurance companies providing those plans. Some companies will specialize in providing just group health insurance plans and these are normally divided into large and small group schemes. There are also companies which specialize in providing individual and family plans and of course companies which provide a wide range of plans covering both groups and individuals. Finally, there are also companies which specialize in insurance for specific types of individual, such as senior citizens.

Many companies are of course household names and have been providing insurance cover to millions of customers for many years, while others are relatively new and still have a reasonably small customer base. The age of the company may well be something which you consider to be of importance since older companies will have a well established track record, but do not overlook the newcomers as they will often provide a range of incentives to help to build there business. The secret here is simply to make sure that you check prospective companies out before taking out any health insurance plan.

Once you have narrowed your search down to a handful of possible insurers then, and only then, turn your attention to the plans being offered by those companies and compare the benefits of the different plans.

Insurance plans can be somewhat complicated but it is important that you read through the details of each plan carefully and look not simply for what is covered but also for just what is excluded, or covered only to a limited degree. Remember too to look at all of the areas for which you might want cover such as emergency services, surgical and medical fees, prescription drugs, treatment for mental health problems and anything else which you feel is a requirement in your own personal case.

The exclusions under each plan are one area which requires special attention as all plans will include exclusions and these are normally buried in the detail of the plan rather than clearly written into the introductory pages. Remember in particular that exclusions may not always be simple to spot. The plan may for example say that dental care is excluded which is simple enough. However, the plan may also say that dental treatment is covered and then hidden away in the plan 'definitions' it might say something like, "For the purposes of this plan dental treatment is defined as any dental reconstruction work arising out of serious accident or injury". So, read everything including the 'exclusions', 'definitions', 'limitations' and any other heading they may choose to add.

Finally, once you have narrowed your choice down to two or three plans which are from reputable insurance companies and which meet your needs, then take a look at the cost of each plan and make your decision on the basis of which plan represents the best value for money.

Medical Health Insurance provides advice on obtaining affordable health insurance and also considers such things as the temporary health insurance.

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Hot Foot Bath - Good For Health

Hot foot bath gives relaxation to the entire body if you are tired and also helpful in eliminating toxins from the body. It is an effective means of reducing congestion of blood or water in the upper parts of the body.

When you have to take a foot bath, drink a glass of warm water, sit on a chair and lower you feet in a bucket full of hot water. The level of the water should, ideally, come up to the knees. The temperature of the water should not be too much above the body temperature. As the water gets cold, go on adding more hot water. Take care to see that the hot water added later does not scald the feet.

Cover yourself with a blanket. Wrap it around your body; even if the bucket is covered, it will be all right. The head should be covered with a towel wetted with cold water. As the coldness of the towel evaporated, dip it in cold water, wring it lightly and again cover your head with it.

In 15 to 20 minutes you will start perspiring. When a fair amount of perspiration has been formed, the bath can be terminated. Wash your feet with cold water afterwards and wipe them with a towel. Wipe your body with a wet towel and dress yourself. An ordinary bath can be taken after the hot foot bath.

The blood pressure decreases during the course of the bath. A feeling of giddiness therefore may ensue. This feeling will pass away on resting for a few minutes. But as a precautionary measure, very weak persons, pregnant women and patients with abnormally high or low blood pressure, should avoid taking hot foot baths.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Visit an extensive section of Herbal remedies at Home remedies guide - a health guide to make you and your family live better, fit and healthy. Also know various Homemade cosmetics.

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Contraceptives - Tablets And Sponges

Spermicides are contraceptive tablets or suppositories that are placed in the vagina prior to intercourse. These substances are activated by vaginal secretions and kill sperm to prevent pregnancy.

Used alone, spermicides are not an effective birth control method - the reason why they are usually combined with other barrier methods of contraception such as diaphragms, condoms, cervical caps and sponges.

"There is always the danger that the tablet will not dissolve completely and that contraception protection will thus be incomplete. This method is less preferred than others where the barrier to sperm attempting to enter the cervix is more certain. Purchasers should also make sure they are buying contraceptive tablets, not feminine hygiene suppositories, which are often displayed nearby," said Dr. Raphael Jewelewicz in "The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide."

The vaginal sponge is a disposable pillow-shaped device which looks like a tampon. It is packed with spermicide and absorbs seminal fluid when inserted in the vagina.

The earliest reference to sponges as a means of birth control was made in the Ebers Papyrus in 1500 B.C. This primitive sponge was made of lint and contained acacia and honey. So popular was this contraceptive that it was used for years. Modern sponges are made of a different material but work the same way. Aside from blocking and/or absorbing semen, they also kill sperm.

"The device works continuously releasing spermicide for up to 72 hours. Additional applications of spermicides are not necessary, even for multiple acts of intercourse. There are other advantages as well: the sponge is available without a prescription; unlike a diaphragm, the sponge does not have to be fitted; and the sponge can be inserted ahead of time, which allows greater spontaneity in sex. The sponge has been found to be 85 percent effective," according to the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

Since the sponge comes in a size that fits all women, there is no need for professional fitting at a physician's office. Furthermore, a study of 4,162 women published in the American Journal of Public Health said sponges (and diaphragms) appear to offer more protection against two sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

Dr. Michael Rosenberg, professor of epidemiology and obstetrics and gynecology at the University of North Carolina, said the incidence of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis was 71 percent and 74 percent lower respectively in women who used these barrier methods compared to those who didn't use a contraceptive at all.

Rosenberg believes the sponge and diaphragm may be more effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases than condoms. What's more, one can have worry-free sex for the next 24 hours after using the sponge.

What about side effects? Like the diaphragm and spermicide, some women may experience an allergic reaction or irritation. Other complaints are difficulty in removing the sponge and a bad vaginal odor if the device is left for more than 18 hours. Most of these problems, however, are minor.

"Cases of local irritation or allergic reaction have been reported; however, these have been mild and infrequent. There is also concern that the sponge could become a breeding ground for infection, especially if used improper¬ly. You should consult your doctor about the contraceptive sponge and its proper use before trying this method of birth control," said the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide." (Next: A close look at condoms.)

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Health Problems With IUDs

What makes the intrauterine device (IUD) a convenient contraceptive? Aside from being highly effective when used properly, this device does not interrupt intercourse and has long-lasting contraceptive effects.

"For the woman who can use an IUD, the advantages are great because she does not have to worry about contraception each day. The effectiveness rate is high, with only about a five percent chance of pregnancy," according to the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

But things can go wrong for several reasons. If the IUD is not inserted correctly, pregnancy can occur. And the bad part is that IUD users who become pregnant are likely to miscarry. Pregnancy among IUD users also increases the chances of infection, premature delivery and stillbirth.

To avoid this, the IUD comes with a small string which the wearer can use to make sure the device is in place. The string also helps the physician in removing the device. Some women can't tolerate the IUD and it may be expelled during menstruation. Although many women can feel this happening, others may not. This can create problems later.

"To reduce the already small risk of getting pregnant with an IUD, make sure that whoever inserts it has experience performing the procedure and check regularly to be sure the lUD's string 'tail' is dangling into the vaginal canal. Between 2 percent and 20 percent of lUDs are expelled in the first year, sometimes without any pain. Any time you can't locate the string or have prolonged cramping, heavy bleeding, pain or fever, you should consult your doctor immediately," warned Deborah Franklin in Health magazine.

There are other reasons why women can't use the IUD even if it is inserted properly. For one, the very act of insertion can be a painful experience. This is true for women who have never had children and wish to use this contraceptive method. This was revealed by Dr. Raphael Jewelewicz, associate clinical professor of psychiatry, in "The Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Complete Home Medical Guide."

"Sometimes a doctor or family planning specialist will inject a painkiller into the cervix just before insertion. Pain may persist for 24 to 48 hours afterward and there may be a slight blood flow after insertion. The first period following insertion may be particularly heavy," he said.

"Severe menstrual cramps and increased menstrual bleeding may follow the insertion of an IUD. Sometimes these side effects lessen after a month or two. In other cases, severe cramps and prolonged bleeding continue and the physician may advise removal of the IUD," added the editors of Consumer Guide's "Family Health & Medical Guide."

The worst that can happen to IUD users are pelvic infect¬ions that can lead to sterility and ectopic pregnancy. The latter is a life-threatening condition where the fertilized egg implants itself in the Fallopian tube rather than the uterus. Because IUDs may make aggravate sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), women who have an active pelvic infection or a history of pelvic inflammatory disease should avoid this device and switch to other birth control methods instead.

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Help Finding HIPAA Health Insurance Portability Plans In Arizona

Do you need a little help finding HIPAA health insurance portability plans? In Arizona, these plans grant certain Americans guaranteed access to health insurance despite having pre-existing conditions or being categorized as "high risk." Use this guide to get started.

Qualifications For HIPAA Health Insurance Portability Plans In Arizona

If you meet all of the following criteria, you may be eligible to receive health insurance through an Arizona HIPAA health insurance portability plan:

A. You have had creditable coverage before for a minimum of 18 months and that coverage was under a group plan or government plan.

B. You are not currently able to receive health insurance coverage from a group plan, Medicare parts A or B, or Medicaid

C. Your most recent coverage was not terminated because of non-payment.

D. You were offered COBRA coverage when your health insurance ended, took the COBRA coverage and the time period to keep it has expired.

Eligible Individuals Under HIPAA Portability Plans In Arizona

If you're eligible, you're guaranteed access to health insurance under HIPAA. But, if a state has an Alternative Mechanism for those in the high-risk category, you'll be forced to use the Alternative. Such Alternative Mechanisms include high-risk pools. The high-risk pool is guaranteed to grant you health insurance, but you'll be in a group plan with other high-risk people, rather than being granted access to health insurance under a regular group plan under HIPAA. Be sure and speak with an experienced Arizona health insurance agent that is familiar with the plans available in your area of AZ to help you determine what options are available for your specific situation.

Find Arizona HIPAA Health Insurance Quotes

Did this guide help finding HIPAA health insurance portability plans? In Arizona, you should be able to access quotes immediately if you shop around. Every company that offers individual health insurance coverage in the state of Arizona is required to comply with Federal HIPAA laws so be sure and mention this to your agent if you suspect that you may be HIPAA eligible.

Whether you need a HIPAA health insurance plan or a traditional plan - be sure that you shop around and compare Arizona health insurance quotes to find the best rate!

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Texas Health Insurance Quotes

The need to buy individual health insurance can never be over-emphasized. The need becomes all the more glaring if you have had to visit a doctor, even for a minor sickness, and been presented with a bill that you can ill afford to pay. Once you have made up your mind that you have to buy health coverage at all costs, for your self and for your family, it becomes imperative for you to do an in depth analysis of the choices available in the market.

Though all plans have their pros and cons, and there is never an ideal choice, yet you can always make an informed choice. Before shopping for health coverage you need to know the basic health care plans. These can be broadly categorized as managed care health plans and fee for service plans.

Managed care health plans are more affordable than fee for service health plans, but the catch is that the costs of medical bills will be covered only if you visit a doctor or hospital listed in the plan’s network. Fee for service plans, also known as the indemnity plans, are more costly, but then you have the freedom to choose your own service provider.

Before deciding upon the plan that best suits your needs, you can order quotes online. Surf the net and you will come across innumerable sites advertising their quotes and prices of the various health plans. Not only will the companies provide you details of the plans and prices, but they will also guide you about the most feasible option for you.

You can order brochures of these companies, and then do a comparative study of the diseases they cover, deductibles, premiums, co-payments, coinsurance, and other factors such as preventive care as also the coverage for prescription drugs.

Also, you must remember to go through the state health department website or if you have the time, a personal visit would be better. You can consult the staff to get a better idea of companies with a good reputation and also advice on which plan to opt for.

Term Life Insurance provides detailed information about term life insurance, group term life insurance, and more. Term Life Insurance is affiliated with Dental Insurance Plan.

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Temporary Health Insurance To Cover Those In-Between Times

When you mention health insurance most people picture traditional group or individual health insurance, designed to cover you in the long term and allowing for routine visits to the doctor and such things as prescription drug coverage. However, for many people, such as those who are between jobs or in part-time or temporary agency employment, traditional health insurance is not always readily available. In these and similar circumstances you may therefore decide to turn to short term or temporary health insurance to protect you in the event of accident or illness.

As its name suggests, temporary health insurance is designed to cover a short term gap in normal health insurance coverage for any number of different reasons and is issued in the expectation that it will be your intention to resume normal health insurance coverage in due course. Accordingly, it is designed essentially for accidents and injury and provides cover for emergency treatment and medical expenses such as ambulance fees, intensive care treatment and limited hospital expenses, including such things as x-rays. Temporary health insurance does not however normally cover routine medical treatment, including regular visits to a physician, and generally also excludes any pre-existing conditions. This said, as with health insurance plans in general, short term health insurance plans do vary quite considerably and some provide greater coverage than others.

Temporary plans also vary considerably in terms of cost and typically range from a monthly premium of $25 up to $100, with a deductible of anywhere from about $200 to $5,000. Plans today do however generally have quite reasonable maximum payouts of generally between about $1 million and $2 million. Plans can normally be taken out for anywhere from 30 days to 6 months and, in some cases, as much as one year. It is rare however for a short term plan to run for more than 12 months.

Temporary health insurance is very widely available today and a simple search on your favorite Internet search engine will produce a long list of companies providing temporary health insurance plans. The Internet also provides the ideal place to compare different plans.

Remember however when you are looking for short term cover to check out not only the plan (including such things as the cover provided, plan exclusions, monthly premium and deductible) but also the company providing the plan to ensure that you not only get the cover you require, but also the service you need when it comes to making a claim.

Medical Health provides advice on purchasing affordable health insurance and also provides further details on short term health insurance cover.

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Health And Nutrition Guide

As summer period is spreading its consequences in our daily lives, many of us trying to lose the flab & keep it off look better. Losing body fat doesn't have to be as complicated as many people make it. You can live a healthier life. It is really possible to smolder fat and builds muscle at the same time?

Proven Health Tips & Advice to loose weight

Boost your nutritional intake

Select good quality food according to Mediterranean advice. Increase level of nutrition in your diet, if you want to loose weight in a very easier step.

Limit your alcohol intake

One serving of alcohol a day for women and two for men. A serving is a basic glass. No all spirits and alcohols are the same. Quality beer, especially dark beers contain unique nutrient and antioxidants. So go along with nutrient drinks.

Managing your dreadful calories

Calculate the calories together with your diet and judge them against the intake of carbohydrates, protein, minerals, vitamins and fats. The less you eat them the faster and easier it will be to lose fat.

Do not affix plenty of sugar or salt

Be aware of using lot of sugar/salt in your daily foods because Sugar practically not contains nutrient, but have a lot of calories intakes. So Appreciably decrease various heart relates problem by taking less intake of sodium Daily.

Add physical fitness exercise in your daily routine

Physical fitness should be beneficial towards fat loss for good health rather. Fat control can be efficiently done with a commitment to regular structured exercise.

Use Low Carbohydrates Diet

Consumption of accurate carbohydrate foods is the best solution for fast, easy weight loss. Get most of your carbohydrates from raw or steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, and beans.

Now we have another option for the people who are really frustrated with their bulky look. You need not to spend a lot of money and time. Just keep visit your own health guide. This site is a complete guide for health, nutrition, fitness and diet answers for healthy living and provides powerful tips for living the smart life. Enjoy browsing the site and benefit from the tips given by health experts.

For complete health and fitness solutions, visit an ultimate free online health fitness guide that includes tips for everything from Healthy diets to loosing weight.

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A Guide To Mineral Water Benefits And Why Minerals Are Essential For Your Health

Most people know that mineral water benefits our health and that the trace minerals that are naturally present in our drinking water also improve its taste. Mineral revitalization water purification systems are a new addition to home filtration units. This article explains why such systems are required and whether there are any better alternatives.

You see, there are often contaminants in our tap water that we would be much better off without. There are, however, naturally occurring minerals in the water that are essential for our health. The many mineral water benefits are well known. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium are vital to the proper functioning of the human body. Sodium helps to maintain the balance of water in the body and iron deficiency causes anemia. These minerals can also help to maintain the pH of drinking water, preserving the acid-base balance.

Some filtering techniques work to remove these elements, thus reducing the mineral water benefits. Reverse osmosis, for example, a 50 year old filtration technology, designed originally for industrial use, de-mineralizes the water.

It involves the use of a series of porous membranes. Anything heavier than, or larger than, a water-molecule is removed, and that includes most minerals health. Anything smaller or lighter passes through the membranes. Strictly speaking, it cannot actually be called a purifier, because it does not remove bacterial or chemical contaminants.

Knowing this, companies that sell these systems for home use came up with a new concept. Mineral revitalization water purification systems profess to replace all of the minerals that are taken out during filtering, while adding even more of the mineral water benefits you might not be getting otherwise.

So, let us think about this for a second. First we have a filtration system that, besides its other numerous flaws, removes everything that is beneficial. Now, because of this, the consumer is being asked to purchase something that will replace what was taken out. If it sounds like a rip off, it probably is.

How would you feel if you were to pay a landscaper to mow your lawn and he proceeded to remove all of the grass, sod and soil? He then returns with new grass, soil and sod, and proceeds to charge you extra. It might sound incredible, but that is just what the makers of reverse osmosis filters and mineral revitalization water purification systems are selling to consumers. It is a sort of self-perpetuating business that adds an unnecessary step, and then expects the customer to pay extra for it.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to reverse osmosis filters and mineral revitalization water purification systems. There are many units on the market today whose technology is such that they are able to remove harmful contaminants while preserving the mineral water benefits.

Activated charcoal and multi-media filters are at the forefront of this technology. They are easy to use and install, and are relatively inexpensive. They eliminate the extra step of having to replace what the system should not have removed in the first place.

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A Health Guide To Using Aerosol Sprays Properly

Aerosol sprays have developed an image problem and concerns about their adverse effects on health have mounted: they harm the environment and they contain CFCs, which destroy the ozone layer. Health advocates suggest avoiding aerosols at all costs. But are all these concerns true? Experts say that in the past, yes. Today, no.

For years, aerosol products contained chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which were used as spray propellants. In the 1970s, CFCs were found to damage the ozone layer, and in 1978 the United States banned their use in commercial products; other countries (Canada, Norway, and Sweden) shortly followed suit. Records show that by 1996, CFCs were almost entirely phased out. They are currently used only in certain industrial machines (recycled in refrigerators and air conditioners) and medical products (inhalers).

Experts warn, however, that even the new generation of aerosols presents potential health hazards. Many of them contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), a group of propellants and solvents that are highly flammable and contribute to smog. The most common VOCs are combinations of propane and butane. VOCs are found not only in aerosols but also in many fast-drying products, including pump sprays, perfumes, and hair gels.

The biggest danger of using an aerosol is inhaling the chemical spray. The spray's fine particles can penetrate deep into the lungs and are easily absorbed by the bloodstream, possibly causing a variety of health problems.

A growing number of teenagers inhale vapors from aerosol cans in search of a cheap high. The practice, called "huffing," deprives the lungs and brain of oxygen and can cause brain damage or death. Parents should be aware of the signs of aerosol abuse: changes in a child's appetite or sleep patterns, a rash or blisters around the mouth, mood swings, and a chemical smell on the breath.

If you must use an aerosol spray, follow these precautions:

- The first basic rule is to be sure to read - and heed - the label.

- Always use aerosols in a well-ventilated area and do not inhale the vapors. The chemicals in the vapor can be absorbed by the lungs and the bloodstream, potentially causing headaches, dizziness, nausea, and respiratory problems.

- Avoid misdirected spray; it can harm the eyes and skin.

- Keep aerosol cans away from heat and flame. Even the heat of a nearby furnace can cause a can's pressurized contents to expand and explode.

- Dispose of the cans in your regular trash. Even though many of them are now made of recyclable materials, recycling centers do not usually accept them because they may explode. Never disassemble, puncture, or incinerate an aerosol can.

When shopping for household cleaners and polishes, hair sprays, and insect repellents, look for products sold as pump sprays, not aerosols. Although pumps may contain VOCs, they do not contain propellants, and the droplets they emit are larger and less likely to be inhaled. To avoid VOCs, use sprays with carbon dioxide propellants or compressed air and stay away from fast-drying products.

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Good Health In The 21st Century - A Family Doctor's Unconventional Guide To Good Health

Why are so many diseases - cancer, allergies, depression - on the rise?

Some thoughts generated by Dr Carole Hungerford's book: "Good Health In The 21st Century - A Family Doctor's Unconventional Guide to Good Health.

Some thoughts that have been generated by my reading of Dr Carole Hungerford's book: "Good Health In The 21st Century - A Family Doctor's Unconventional Guide to Good Health."

In the preface to her book Dr Carole Hungerford refers to some questions that her patients asked, for example:

• Why is a good diet not good enough?

• Why are so many diseases - cancer, allergies, depression - on the rise?

• Why do I need medication to stay healthy?

• Why are there so many new diseases such as autism, SARS and AIDS?

All of these questions are very hot topics at the present time. Would you agree?

Dr Carole's book is fairly thick, all of 500 pages or so. But it is written in an easy to understand and readable style that explains very clearly in layman's language. It is a well researched, authoritative and well documented handbook. The expert Medical or Health practitioner or John Citizen, who wants to know some answers to these pressing questions about their health, will find invaluable information contained within the book.

Dr Carole clearly explains the true causes of the ever increasing number of people diagnosed with the Western World's diseases.

She combines well referenced detail on the importance of macro and micro nutrients. Her contention that Diet and Lifestyle is all-important in the positive outcome of many diseases.

She poses the question, Why are the problems of an ageing population a cause for worry for many Western nations? There is a frightening prediction that we are producing a generation which may not outlive their parents. This is due to disturbing health trends, particularly in the younger generations.

There is an explosion in the incidence (childhood) obesity, asthma, depression, and the younger diagnoses of many cancers throughout the Western world. In her book she questions the current Health (Sickness - my italics) Industry based on a model of 'curing disease.'

Dr Carole combines sound knowledge and understanding of biochemistry and nutrition, with the latest medical research to provide a radically different way to establish and maintain the well-being of the population.

She has rejected the routine cocktail of medication, as suggested by the Pharmaceutical Companies, mainly due to their complicated interactions and side-effects of the various drugs that are currently prescribed to try and improve the general health of the population. These cocktails of medication are plainly not working.

Dr Hungerford draws on anthropology, agriculture and other ecosystems to show how minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids can do their health giving work when given the chance. She encourages her readers to go back to the basics of good health. It is through good nutrition and other simple remedies, that she gives us some of the answers to the problems modern society is facing.

I, for one, have learned so much by this initial comment on Dr Hungerford's book and look forward to the next article that I will be writing and sharing with you.

Darryl Thompson

Ex South African now Australian. Have been in Australia since January 1996. Australia is now home to Lesley and I. Have two married sons. We live in outer north western Sydney at Bligh Park. Lesley and I celebrated our 31st anniversary 2 April 2008. Very passionate about Family Health Nutrition and how all three are inter-related.

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Finding Health Insurance With Value

When it comes to health insurance, there is no "one size fits all." Ideally, working for an employer who offers non-contributory health insurance is what most of us would aspire to. However, that is not a realistic scenario.

Finding affordable, adequate health insurance coverage is a huge problem in our country right now. If you are in a situation where you require certain medications and have no access to reduced rates on prescriptions you can almost bet the farm that you will be paying top dollar for the medications you need.

When considering a change in employment, scrutinizing the potential employers health insurance plan is a given. Sadly, many people look at everything about a new job except the health insurance plan, just lumping it together with a "benefit package." This could be a huge mistake. Contracting a debilitating illness or becoming an unwilling participant in an accident is not something that anyone can foresee.

This is particularly true with young singles. Life situations change and a health insurance plan that was adequate for a single person may not apply should he/she marry and even have children while employed. If their policy has no provisions for the addition of dependents in the future you can find your health insurance plan woefully inadequate. Take the time to project what your future situation might be and plan accordingly.

One of the most overlooked segments of our society are the self-employed. Depending on age and dependent requirements, the cost for individual coverage can be astronomical. If you are self-employed or a very small business owner, consider joining a local association like a chamber of commerce, better business bureau or some other type of business organization.

Many of these organizations offer access to health insurance that might otherwise be prohibitive on an individual basis. They often charge a membership fee to the organization. Sometimes even when you factor in several hundred dollars a year for membership dues, that small cost far outweighs the potential savings in premiums. Health insurance packages are often one of the most lucrative options these organizations have to assist in recruitment of new members.

If you do not fall into either of the categories above, you might investigate other potential group options. Fraternal organizations, unions and clubs may offer access to group rates. The important thing is to pursue every possible avenue with an eye toward obtaining access to group health insurance.

Unless you are in a category considered as "low income" that would afford you access to social health care you can plan on paying hefty premiums. If you have a pre-existing condition, your chances of obtaining affordable rates are statistically very low. But, there are some things you can do. Some tips to bear in mind are:

.. Shop very carefully. You now understand what some of the options are and how widely diversified policies can be.

.. Make certain you are looking at health insurance that is appropriate and adequate for your needs.

.. Read the fine print so you understand what is included and what is excluded.

.. Never buy a policy that covers a single disease.

.. Are there deductibles and if so, how much?

.. Does the coverage include major medical?

.. What is the maximum out of pocket expense you can expect to incur?

.. When does coverage begin?

.. Does the coverage include prescriptions?

.. Are lab fees and x-rays included?

.. Can you choose your own physician or select from a list of providers?

.. What is most important to you?

.. Does the coverage include dental, vision, maternity, well-baby care, etc.

If you are in that "no mans land" where you do not yet qualify for Medicare, Medicaid or any of the other social programs yet are too old for individual coverage you might take a look at AARP. It can provide a stop gap for that period of time while you are waiting to qualify for assistance.

If you are a young single parent, investigate any subsidized programs that might be available in your state. Many states have programs that will provide care for your children if not for yourself. These social programs are generally based on a sliding scale based on our income level and in many cases visits and prescriptions for your children might be free of charge.

With the skyrocketing costs of health care, no one should ever feel embarrassed or sacrifice the health of themselves or their loved ones by applying for any type of assistance that might be available to meet their needs. Until something happens to curb this upward spiral we must all take special steps to see that the most vulnerable members of our society receive the health care they need. . . namely, our children and our elderly.

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Buying Health Guide For Baby Strollers

Shopping a proper stroller is difficult task that parents always face. Here are some tips that will help you to choose best suits stroller for your baby needs. Always you should keep in mind some tips when you do the shopping of stroller for your baby. That tips are like this: your baby strollers should be a lightweight or umbrella stroller to use when dashing out and d a more durable model for long walks and strolls. You should also consider for short-term and long term needs when shopping for a stroller.

Traditional Strollers

Here I am giving some tips that you should keep in mind when you consider to buy a traditional strollers. A traditional stroller always seems suitable for infants and toddlers. That type of strollers has extra room for storage. It can hold children up to 40 pounds. Usually you have to sturdy frames from heavy use.

Twin Strollers

Its name explains itself that such strollers hold two babies. Such strollers suit for twins or infant.

This stroller comes in various models like side-by-side, back-to-back, lightweight and jogging. You can select by your point of view model wise, color wise.

Featherweight Models

This stroller is cheaper than traditional stroller. Usually such stroller can host 12 pounds or less. It is lightweight stroller or featherweight model. It is more convenient for parents who plan to run many errands with kids in tow.

Umbrella strollers also come in this category. It can fold like umbrella. It is less expensive and perfect for short trips to the grocery store. This stroller is good alternate for parents looking for an inexpensive second model stroller.

Exercise and Jogging Strollers

For fitness enthusiasts it is a great choice stroller. Most of jogging or exercise strollers are equipped with durable wheels for traveling gravel paths or uneven sidewalks. Usually such strollers made by fixed front wheel, so they can be hard to turn. Keep this in mind when shopping.

Most models are lightweight making them easy to tote around.

Exercise strollers usually have a higher than average carrying capacity; many models can hold children up to 80 pounds.

Visit our site for more information on baby health care and Author. Baby Health Care, Child Health Tips, Child Health Guide.

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Guide To Cold Laser Therapy And Its Many Health Benefits

Cold laser therapy, or low level laser therapy, is a treatment in which a cold laser is used to treat acute and chronic pain. It is also called a "soft laser." If you suffer from back pain, joint pain, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, neuropathy, neck pain, or other related health conditions, cold laser therapy might be a viable solution for you.

How it Works Cold laser therapy works by increasing the levels of serotonin to help your body heal itself. The therapy is noninvasive and non-thermal. The cold laser was derived from phototherapy, a light healing method developed more than 30 years ago. In phototherapy, a special type of light penetrates the surface of the skin as well as underlying tissues to stimulate natural healing in the body. The low level laser light used in cold laser therapy is actually the compressed light of a wavelength from the red part of the light spectrum, or the cold part.

During the cold laser process, the body's cells are exposed to photon energy, which in turn increases the cells' metabolism, helps to develop muscle tissue and collagen, improves blood circulation, stimulates tissue repair and the healing of wounds, and stimulates the nervous and immune systems. Cold lasers are also used in acupuncture to stimulate the acupoints of the body without using needles. Types of Cold Laser Treatments There are several types of cold laser treatments such as the Q1000 Laser, 660 Probe, 808 Probe, Q1000 Propack, and the Q10 Laser.

The Q1000 Laser features nine different wavelengths meant to help cells for nerves, muscles, bone, ligaments, skin and tendons. Also with the Q1000 Laser, light is sent through quartz crystal, which gives the laser organic characteristics. The 660 Probe is a gentle cold laser that penetrates deep into the body and provides more concentrated healing. It is often used for dental healing, facial or skin treatment, acupuncture, anti-aging, physical therapy, and more.

The 808 Probe uses an infrared laser to reach cells in the innermost parts of the body. It helps with bones and teeth as well as ligaments, tendons, and joints. The Q10 Laser is less expensive than the Q1000 and helps with injuries, pain, and facial rejuvenation. It's also great for traveling.

The Q1000 Propack combines all soft lasers into one package. Using Healing Lasers You can use healing lasers at home. Some lasers require training while others are fairly simple to use. The simpler models are designed so you can hold the laser near your body in the area where treatment is needed without discomfort. The laser does the work for you. The lasers also have different modes to help with certain needs. If you are considering cold laser treatments, consult with your doctor first. With cold laser therapy, you can aid your body in healing using a natural, effective method. Keep this guide handy while seeking the cold laser products that are right for you.

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Nutrition Food Pyramid - Optimal Health Guide

The Food Pyramid has been used for decades to show people what type (and how much) of individual foods they should eat every day for optimal health. Redesigned in 2005, the new pyramid sports a rainbow of colored, vertical stripes that represent the five major food groups, plus fats and oils.

Not sure what the colors stand for? Here's a quick reference:

Orange - grains.

Green - vegetables.

Red - fruits.

Yellow - fats and oils.

Blue - milk and dairy products.

Purple - meat, beans, fish, and nuts.

The food pyramid is a used to illustrate the variety of foods people need to eat to stay healthy. The skinnier the band of color, the less foods you need to consumer in that category, and vice versa. As you will notice, eating a variety of healthy foods is best. The goal is to eat foods from each color band each and every day.

As you'll notice when reviewing the new pyramid, some bands are fat on the bottom and get thinner as they reach the top. Why? Because foods are not created equal. While apple pie contains apples, it is not as good for you as a freshly picked apple straight form the tree! The same is true for a tomato vs. ketchup. The less nutritious variety of the food is depicted at the top thinner part of the pyramid, with the more nutritious item featured on the bottom.

One of the most important aspects of the food pyramid is the way it explains how many servings of individual categories a person should eat every day. This includes:


It's important for children to eat 4-6 ounces of grains every day, depending on their age, while adults need more than 6 ounces to meet their daily requirements. Remember, whole grains are best.


Vegetables are especially important to a healthy diet. Children should eat ½ to 2 cups per day with adults consuming 2 ½ cups or more.


Fresh fruit is a very important nutrient for a well balanced diet. Keep in mind that while fruit juices and packaged fruit count on the slimmer part of the pyramid, fresh fruit is always best. So, how much fruit should you eat every day? Children need 1-½ cups per day, and adult 2 or more.

Milk and Other Calcium-Rich Foods:

Calcium builds strong teeth and bones and should be consumed on a daily basis. Children need a minimum of 1-2 cups of milk (0r other calcium rich food) every day, while adult (especially women) should be consuming 3 or more cups of dairy a day.

Meats, Beans, Fish, and Nuts:

For all of the iron and other important nutrients you need to stay healthy eat 3-5 ounces per day (for children) and 5-8 ounces (for adults).

Not sure that you're eating the right amounts of food every day? Be sure to check your diet against the new food pyramid guidelines on a regular basis to ensure that you're eating a well balanced diet for optimal health and fitness.

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Holiday Health Guide - The Most Common Summer Health Problems Solved

Most of us don't worry about our holiday health until we come down with something while we're away - cue the dash to the local pharmacy to try and explain our symptoms in sign language.A little forward planning can make this panic unnecessary. The most common summer problems - sunburn, upset tummies, travel sickness, insect bites - are all preventable or quickly treatable with a little know-how.

Traveller's tummy -

Food poisoning can happen when you eat food or drink that are contaminated due to poor sanitation or preparation. There's also a risk if there are pesticides on fruit and veg, or food is stored at the wrong temperature. Research has found that 60 per cent of visitors to Africa and India get stomach upset, while in medium-risk destination like the Mediterranean and Caribbean, where water quality and food hygiene may be better, 15 to 20 per cent people had problems.

Prevent it - Avoid drinking water from unsealed bottles, ice (which may have been made from unfiltered tap water), and unpeeled fruits. It's also advisable to steer clear of raw or undercooked meat or fish, as bacteria won't have been destroyed in the cooking process.

Look after your digestive system with a probiotic supplements that can help maintain your gut health.

Treat it - Most cases of traveller's tummy last three to five hours. It's often best to let it take its course, as diarrhoea is your body's way of getting the bug out of your system.

Keep fluids up by sipping water and consider replacing lost electrolytes with rehydration salts (available at pharmacy).

Travel sickness -

It can happen while you're in a car, plane, boat or even on a fairground ride. You feel sick because, although sitting still, your body will see and feel that you're moving, and this confusion can cause nausea.

Prevent it - Choose your seat carefully. You'll feel less sick in the front or the middle back seat of a car (as you can see the road) or at the front of a coach. Travel sickness tablets will also help, and generally work best if taken at least two hours before the journey.

Treat it - If you feel sick, breathe slowly and deeply. This can help stop nausea. One possible reason for this, according to motion sickness experts is that it's impossible to vomit and breathe at the same time - so, by focusing on the latter, you avoid the former.

Insect bites -

Each year, 2,000 Brits are bitten by mosquito and contract malaria.But this is tiny compared to the huge numbers who suffer less serious bites that itch like mad.

Prevent it - No one knows exactly why some people get bitten more than others. Experts believe it's something you excrete in sweet that attracts the insects, but no one has isolated what that is yet. what we do know is how to stop them. The most powerful contain a chemical called DEET - and these should be first choice if you're travelling to a malarial area (it is not suitable for pregnant women or children).

Treat it - When you react badly to an insect bite, you're suffering a mild allergic reaction to the saliva the insect insert in the wound. A topical antihistamine or steroid cream is therefore the most effective treatment. Whatever you do, don't scratch as, although it eases the itching, it can break the skin, leading to infections. Another way to ease discomfort is to use an electronic zapper, which sends a mild electrical pulse through the bite yo relieve the itch.

Foot problems -

The two biggest summer feet problems are blisters and painful condition called plantar fasciitis (PF) - an inflammation of a tendon that runs along the base of the foot. It's commonly triggered by walking in flat shoes like flip-flops. Symptoms of plantar fasciitis include pain as soon as you get out of bed in the morning or when you stand up after sitting down for a while.

Prevent them - Blisters form when the outer layer of the skin becomes damages where shoes rub. this creates a pocket of clear fluid, which is the body's way of protecting the skin from further damage. Blisters occur more often if feet are dry cracked or grubby. So make sure you wash and moisturise your feet daily.

Plantar fasciitis is best prevented by not mixing flip-flops and sightseeing. In any very flat shoe, the arch of the foot flattens when you walk, which pulls on the plantar fasciia tendon. In flip-flops, people also walk with feet turned slightly outward, which further aggravates the problem.

Treat them - The worst thing that can happen to a blister is if it bursts or the top scrapes off. A blister plaster over the top will protect against further damage or infection, however.

If you're suffering from plantar fasciitis, stretching is key. Sit on a chair and put your painful foot on top of your opposite knee - now gently pull back your toes toward your shin. Hold for 10 seconds, and repeat 10 times. Do this at least three times a day - particularly before you get out of bed first thing in the morning.

Holiday cystitis -

Although it can affect anyone, it's generally woman who suffer from cystitis, and holidays can be a prime trigger. Heat, alcohol and air travel can lead to dehydration, which concentrates your urine, making it easier for the bacteria that causes cystitis to flourish. For some women, cystitis is triggered by having sex, which moves bugs into the urinary system. So if you get more frisky on holiday, you could find yourself suffering.

Prevent it - It helps to empty your bladder after sex, and make sure you wipe from front to back after you've been to the loo, to stop germs from spreading.

Treat it - As soon as you develop symptoms (ie the constant desire to urinate and burning pain when you do, sometimes accompanied by cloudly or bloody urine), increase your water intake to two litres a day. This can be enough to flush out the bacteria and stop an infection taking hold.

Avoid alcohol, as it feeds the bacteria that causes disease. If you don't feel any relief in 24 to 48 hours, see a doctor, as you may need antibiotics.

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Your Positive Thinking Guide For: 'Health, Wealth And Happiness

This is the third part of a six part course which outlines a proven method for creating health, wealth and happiness.

OK then, next up is step three. In a nutshell this is to devise a time related plan to achieve your main aim. Sounds too simple to actually work, right!? Well…

Let me remind you here that a plan is what brings ideas from the mind into reality. The actual process of figuring out exactly how you can realistically achieve your goals is in itself a big confidence booster. Once you can see 'down on paper' that your goal is actually achievable you can then begin to start to work towards it with a lot more purpose than if you were uncertain of what to do or how to go about achieving it. I like this following comment:

'The difference between a goal and a dream is the written word' - Gene Donohue

The downside with plans is that sometimes they can make the final goal seem a long way off; this can sometimes be disheartening so it pays to select realistic short-term and long term goals. I prefer to use a series of goals. For example if your two year long term goal is to become the head sales representative for your company and you know in order to do this you have to first prove yourself as one of the top sales reps, you can easily work out a plan and a time frame for achieving this goal. Here's an example of how this could be implemented:

Firstly you realise you need to improve you sales skills, so you enrol on the next available month long sales course, secondly you decide you will do your own personal research into top sales techniques by reading up on the latest sales techniques and you also decide to arrange informal meetings with previous successful sales reps to discover how they achieved successful sales (encouraging them with a few free drinks if necessary;).

Now you immediately have realistic written targets that will help you work towards your over all goal. When you have completed these targets you might then decide upon your next set of intermediate goals. This could be to be in the top two sales representatives in your team or whatever else would be the next challenging step up for you. So we can see that by constantly setting yourself achievable short term goals you will consistently be working towards your two year goal. This is what provides you with constant motivation and keeps you going.

Most importantly however by knowing that you are working to a plan and being able to actually monitor your progress clearly towards the achievement of your goals you will be able to gain in confidence and develop a more confident attitude and develop more belief that you will achieve your goal.

Through developing belief that you will achieve your goals then you become expectant regarding your imminent achievement. You now realise that your goal is within your grasp and there is no way that you will let it go! Whatever problems you encounter you now 'know' that you have come this far and believe nothing can stop you so you simply persist safe in the knowledge that victory will be yours. This is the positive attitude that winners have.

Your own positive thinking has allowed you to deliberately create your own reality from your own thoughts. This means it really is true for you that:

'What the mind truly believes the body inevitably delivers'

Once you have created your own reality through this type of process once you will realise that anything you can fix in your mind you really can achieve through a similar approach. This is why people who are successful in one area of their life, business etcetera.... can then seemingly transfer this success into whichever area of their life they desire. They know that by following this procedure their success is inevitable.

A good example of this is Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has used this approach to first dominate bodybuilding in an amazing fashion before switching his focus to movies and now politics claiming an extremely powerful status in all three of these fields.

As an important note to this part of the course it should be said that none of this comes without persistence. This will come automatically like I said once you are secure in the knowledge that you cannot fail. In the early stages you must simply be persistent. If you struggle with this then consider the following:

'Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.' John Adams

I urge you to re-read this article and consider exactly how you can use these extremely effective strategies in your life.

To read the other parts in this course simply click: Power Of Positive Thinking now. You will also receive over $60 worth of 'positive thinking' training FREE and immediately!

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Health Guide For The Pregnant Woman

Health Guide For The Pregnant Woman

Being a pregnant woman brings with it euphoria and anxiety. Mood swings, morning sickness and fatigue are as much a part of pregnancy as moments of joy and anticipation. There will be days you will just not feel like getting out of bed. On other days, when you hear the tiny life move inside you, you will feel elation. The pregnant woman needs special care during these nine months. In order to make the right decisions regarding her doctor, method of childbirth, and other details, she needs to know all about pregnancy.

Your body will be going through many changes during the three trimesters. Here are some of the things every pregnant woman should know.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness does not occur only in the morning. Many cases of morning sickness occur in the afternoon or evening as well. Morning sickness makes it difficult for women to keep down their meals. Many women find it difficult to eat normal meals. The solution for this is to have smaller, more frequent meals. Have crackers before getting out of bed in the morning so that you do not feel queasy or dizzy. Mostly, a pregnant woman does not know that morning sickness is an indicator of the pregnancy hormones working properly. However, see your doctor if the morning sickness is too severe.


Spotting or bleeding is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Bleeding is caused by implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. Bleeding is accompanied by cramps in many cases. A pregnant woman may experience bleeding well into the pregnancy. In many cases, doctors may examine you and declare you fit. However, visit your doctor immediately if the bleeding is heavy or accompanied by severe cramps.

Tender Breasts

Swollen and tender breasts are common for a pregnant woman. Many women complain of discomfort and pain. A good bra can solve this problem largely. Keep changing bra sizes until you find the one that suits you. The bra size can also increase during this time.

Mood Swings

Many women find their mood oscillating between happiness and gloom. Mild mood swings are common during pregnancy. This is another sign of the hormones at work. However, see a doctor if you feel persistently depressed.


One of the stranger instincts in pregnant women is nesting. When in the third trimester, the woman may feel the need to wash down the yard, sweep the house, mop, and clear out closets. Indulge yourself, but be sure not to overdo it.


A lot many women complain of excess salivation during pregnancy. Again, the reason for this is hormonal changes in the body. Do not worry too much; this symptom will not last too long.

This health guide for the pregnant woman covers various pregnancy symptoms. You should read all you can about the three trimesters, and ask your doctor for more information.

The pregnancy woman needs special care during the whole pregnancy period. Mood swings, morning sickness and fatigue are as much a part of pregnancy as moments of joy and anticipation.

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