Health Care Degrees Online Better Than Others

A bachelor's degree in nursing would be difficult, if not impossible, to pursue at an online university simply because there are so many hands-on courses that are required to become proficient. Programs in health care management, health care reimbursement and health information systems can all be studied online with excellent results. Most of these health care degrees online focus more on the management, procurement or organizational aspects of health care services rather than direct patient contact. They offer the ideal combination of a satisfying health care and business-oriented career.

The Proper Coursework for Getting a Health Care Degree Online

Courses that are typically part of the curriculum for health care degrees online will include some introductory biology courses such as anatomy (which anyone dealing in any aspect of healthcare services must understand) and a wide range of management and business courses that are geared to the health industry. Some courses you should look for if you are considering pursuing your health care degree online include:

Physical anatomy
Health care legal issues
Health care management
Financial management and/or Clinical management
Human Resources management
Health care administrative practices

Online Degrees Will be Increasingly Popular

Some people mistakenly think that a health care services degree of any type is somewhat limiting. This couldn't be further from the truth, as every type of health care provider in the United States requires a variety of management personnel, and many other industries outside of healthcare itself hire them as well. One example is a health administration or health services management degree; individuals with this type of degree can be encouraged by these statistics, which illustrate the diversity of opportunities available:

The explosion in the popularity of online degrees is making news these days, with health care degrees online near the top of the list of popular courses. It's important to keep in mind, however, that not every kind of general health care degree is appropriate for online study while others are particularly well suited to this type of program.

30 percent are employed by hospitals or large clinics
16 percent are employed by private facilities, small clinics or doctors' offices
20 percent are staff at home health care, ambulatory and nursing facilities
The remainder work for insurance companies and the government in some capacity

In the next three decades the need for increasing expertise in managing the day-to-day operations and budgeting of health care services will become crucial as the population ages and increases. More and more people who are currently working in some capacity in health care services now will move up to management level positions by pursuing an advanced health care degree online, combining education and experience.

With such a vital need and online colleges and universities
tailoring coursework to meet the need, it seems likely that the best way for anyone who would like to move from a receptionist or medical secretary to a management level position is to keep working and pursue a specialized health care degree online.

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The Best Online Health Care Degree

Before you pick the best online health care degree, you need to know what you want with the degree. Health Care industry covers a wide range of fields and each health care degree is designed to serve the need of each field. Alternative medicine, emergency management, psychology and life care planning are different careers in health care industry; there are many other fields in health care, which one is your target career? You need to make clear on your career direction before you decide which online health care to consider.

Once you have made up your mind of your preference health care career, your next step is to select an appropriate online health care degree that can meet your career goal. Although searching your preference online degree program is easy and convenient using internet, but time and efforts are needed to find the best online degree program. Besides the need to beware about the potential diploma mills, you should also aware that the same degree program offered by different accredited online universities may carry difference courses. The best thing to get a further understanding about these degrees is requesting all the detail information from the related online universities. The good thing is information requests are free of charge; hence you should fully utilize the free service to get all information you need about your preference online health care degree and compare them against your career goal.

Health care is a booming industry that continuously needs skills workers and professional workforces to fulfill the job positions. If you are in the health care industry, the high demand in the industry can create a good opportunity for you to move your health care career to a high level, what you need is a good health care degree that can meet your career goal. Pursuing your health care degree online is a good option that allowed you to continue your current job while study online to earn a health care degree for a brighter future. There are many online health care degree programs available, so how you are going to pick the best online health degree program out of the list?

The best online health care degree program should be offered by a reputable accredited online university. You want your degree carry the most value and well know by most employers in the health care industry because you will need it to help you in your health care career movement. In term of accreditation, you can always check your preference online universities with the accreditation database provided by For reputation, you can check it against any complaints filed about your short listed universities at

The best online health care degree should gives you the necessary hand on practical and other on job training that are needed for you to familiar with the necessary skills to implement your knowledge and apply it to your job. If the selected online health care degree required these lab and practical works, find out from the online university about their medical partners that near your location that will allow you to perform your practical training.

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Health Care-health For Paying

Typically there are fixed indemnity benefits, specified amounts that are paid for particular procedures. If your policy pays $500 for a tonsillectomy and the actual cost was $1000, you owe the health care provider $500. There are often exclusions, certain services that are not covered by the policy. Common examples include elective surgery, dental care, vision care, and coverage for preexisting illnesses and injuries. Some insurance plans provide options for adding dental and vision care. Other common options include life insurance, which pays a death benefit, and disability insurance, which pays for income lost because of the inability to work as a result of an illness or injury. The more options added to the insurance plan, the more expensive the insurance will be.

The cost of health care in the United States is expensive and is escalating. A majority of Americans cannot afford the cost of medicines, physicians' fees, or hospitalization without some form of general health insurance. Health insurance is a contract between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of medical care costs. After the individual or group pays a premium to an insurance company, the insurance company pays for part or all of the medical costs depending on the type of insurance and benefits provided. The type of insurance policy purchased greatly influences where you go for health care, who provides the health care, and what medical procedures can be performed. The three basic health insurance plans include a private, fee-for-service plan; a prepaid group plan; and a government-financed public plan.

Private Fee-For-Service Insurance Plan

Until recently, private, fee-for-service insurance was the principal form of health insurance coverage. In this plan an individual pays a monthly premium, usually through an employer, which ensures health care on a fee-far-service basis. On incurring medical costs, the patient files a claim to have a portion of these costs paid by the insurance company. There is usually a deductible, an amount paid by the patient before being eligible for benefits from the insurance company. For example, if your expenses are $1000, you may have to pay $200 before the insurance company will pay the other $800. Usually the lower the deductible, the higher the premiums will be. After the deductible is met the insurance provider pays a percentage of the remaining balance.

One strategy insurance companies are using to lower insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs to the consumer is the formation of preferred providers organization (PPO). A PPO is a group of private practitioners who sell their services at reduced rates to insurance companies. When a patient chooses a provider that is in that company's PPO, the insurance company pays a higher percentage of the fee. When a non-PPO provider is used, a much lower portion of the fee is paid.

A major advantage of a fee-for-service plan is that the patient has options in selecting health-care providers. Several disadvantages are that patients may not routinely receive comprehensive, preventive health care; health-care costs to the patient may be high if unexpected illnesses or injuries occur; and it may place heavy demands on time in keeping track of medical records, invoices, and insurance reimbursement forms.

Prepaid Group Insurance

In prepaid group insurance, health care is provided by a group of physicians organized into a health maintenance organization (HMO). HMOs are managed health-care plans that provide a full range of medical services for a prepaid amount of money. For a fixed monthly fee, usually paid through pay roll deductions by an employer, and often a small deductible, enrolls receive care from physicians, specialists, allied health professionals, and educators who are hired or contractually retained by the HMO. HMOs provide an advantage in that they provide comprehensive care including preventive care at a lower cost than private insurance over a long period of coverage. One drawback is that patients are limited in their choice of providers to those who belong to an HMO.

Government Insurance

In a government insurance plan the government at the federal, state, or local level pays for the health-care costs of eligible participants. Two prominent examples of this plan are Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is financed by social security taxes and is designed to provide health care for individuals 65 years of age and older, the blind, the severely disabled, and those requiring certain treatments such as kidney dialysis. Medicaid is subsidized by federal and state taxes. It provides limited health care, generally for individuals who are eligible for benefits and assistance from two programs: Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Supplementary Security Income.

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Health Care Spiraling Costs

The United States pays more for health care per capita than any other industrialized nation -- and even then, Medicare is not a comprehensive, pay-for-everything national health program like those of many nations and United States per capita health care costs continue to escalate rapidly.

Here's what you need to know about health care costs as you plan for retirement.

Americans age sixty-five and over spend four times more on health care on average than do Americans under the age of sixty-five. At the outset of this decade, the average per capita health-care outlay for a person under the age of sixty-file was about $2,800. For people over the age of sixty-five, it was $11,089. And for Americans ages eighty-five and older it was $20,001. Clearly, health care outlays are likely to get substantially larger as you age. You need to plan for them.

U.S. health care expenses have grown mightily. U.S. health care expenses have dramatically escalated each year as new medications, new treatments, diagnostic tools, and health care innovations have come onto the market.

For example, the median nationwide cost for a hospital stay -- excluding physicians charges -- was $11,280 in 1997; by 2004 it was almost double at $20,455. The average total cost for treating a heart attack climbed 40 percent in just seven years. All in, health care costs have escalated fast and the increases are gaining momentum.

Health care costs are likely to continue to grow unabated. Unlike in other countries, no laws meaningfully curb the continual climb of health care and drug costs in the United States. For example, many Americans continue to import drugs from Canada because Canadian prices are significantly lower. This is true even though the new Medicare Features introduced in 2006 offset the cost of pharmaceuticals for U.S. retirees. To curb the cost of medicines, Canada prohibits drug companies from advertising on its television channels. In the United States, on the other hand, the very legislation that created the new Medicare drug benefit (Part D) expressly prohibits the federal government from attempting to negotiate lower prices with drug companies.

Count on it: medical costs are sky-high and likely to keep climbing unless there is a radical overhaul of the system.

More and more corporations are cutting back on health care benefits as medical costs soar. Recent statistics show companies cutting general health care benefits and requiring employees and retirees to pay more for them. As one survey of corporate benefit trends concluded, "[Benefit] reductions have become not just common, but expected, with the only question now being of how much more of a reduction in benefits and or an increase in cost will be directly placed on individuals . . . In the end . . . individuals, either as taxpayers or consumers, will need to pay the bill.

I believe this trend will gain greater momentum over the next decades. It will be part and parcel of the continuing erosion of employment benefits -- like the demise of traditional pensions -- that is taking place throughout the country. Just like pensions, more and more health-care expense is going to become a do-it-yourself responsibility because heath care insurance costs are simply becoming too great for companies to shoulder competitively.

Taken all together, you can count on: (1) higher and higher health care costs, (2) more health-care-benefit cutbacks by U.S. employers, (3) the need to factor large health-care expenses into your funding plans, and (4) the need to buy supplemental health-care insurance to shield your savings from cost attack.

Americans are deeply unhappy with the country's health care programs and costs. And rightly so. As one author observed, "A recent survey showed that only 17 percent of respondents in the United States were content with their health-care system . . . Why the discontent? The superficial reasons are simple enough to describe: the system is hugely expensive, very bureaucratic, and extremely patchy. The expenses first: U.S. health care costs a third more, per person, than that of the closest rival, superrich Switzerland, and twice what many European countries spend. The United States government alone spends more per person than the combination of public and private expenditure in Britain, despite the fact that the British government provides free health care for all residents."

Of course, these views will not come as a surprise to most folks. Recent polls show that -- immediately after the foremost financial concern of having enough money for retirement -- the next great concern of most Americans is health care. More than half of adult Americans are "very worried" or "moderately worried" about being able to pay for serious illness or catastrophic health-care expense.

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Options For Seniors Health Care

For many seniors, just knowing that they will be allowed to recover at home will put them in better spirits, which is more conducive to faster healing. The goal of home health care is to provide the senior with any necessary treatment as the senior heals from an illness or injury in the home setting. Home health care concerns medical treatments and services would otherwise be done in a hospital or other health care setting. Home health care can include services such as nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, social services and speech therapy.

A doctor will prescribe home health care when the doctor feels that a patient may recover successfully at home. The doctor may order of services of a nurse, homemaker, physical therapist and a personal care worker as part of the home health care plan. Each of these personnel members would perform different tasks as the senior recovers.

Many seniors enjoy living in their own home with the freedom to do as they please. While some health problems may limit a senior's ability to do so, with the right home health care, a senior can enjoy an independent life in the presence of illness or other health conditions. When a senior receives adequate health care, it can keep the senior out of a convalescent or nursing home.

The nurse would administer medications, give the patient dietary tips and would arrange any other treatments or services that are necessary. The homemaker would do the household chores, shopping and preparation of meals. The physical therapist would perform such services that would help the patient get their strength back. The personal care worker would help the patient move around their home, including such tasks as dressing, bathing and walking with the patient. The people who provide home general health care services are usually licensed nurses, homemakers, therapists and personal care workers.

Many products can be purchased for the purpose of home health care. Not all the products are related to the patient's body and instead are used to make the home safer for the patient. Such home health care product and services involves the modification of the outdoor steps, seating, inside walls, bath and shower. A walkway may be built or railings may be placed inside the home. Mobility equipment such as a cane or wheelchair may be required. Any necessary medical equipment may be rented before making a purchase as well.

Home health care services may be performed by a public, private or other organization that is devoted to these services. Home health care workers are checked by most states for criminal backgrounds. Not all states perform a background check. If a state does not perform these checks, it is up to the person hiring the services of a health care worker to make sure that their criminal record is clear.

Home health care is not the same service as home care for seniors. Generally, home care revolves around house cleaning and other chores at the house. Home health care involves medical treatments or those services that are required to help the patient recover.

Home health care allows a senior's life to go on despite any injury or medical condition. A health problem does not automatically mean that a person has to be cooped up in a health care facility or nursing home. Patients that receive home health care are grateful for the opportunity to avoid the hospital or nursing home.

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Their Value Of The Health Care System

One thing that employers fail to understand is that no matter how hard they try to avoid the subject of health care issues, it will forever haunt them, no matter what kind of health care system is being implemented. The responsibilities of these health care insurance companies include the liability of paying the medical costs, absenteeism, and any other health related issues that they have to pay due to poor health.

According to one study in the United States, most employers use up millions of dollars paying for the indirect expenditure due to unfortunate health condition rather than spending their dollars in health benefits. The expenses that the employers have to pay when it comes to poor health are significantly higher. Conditions like diabetes, heart conditions, and respiratory troubles are among those medical conditions that can cost an employer a fortune, and getting out of this situation will not solve the problems of these health care providers because it will continue.

Most European countries have discovered that investing in the health of their employers by providing them with wellness programs will significantly increase the productivity of their employers, thus decreasing the amount of money that they have to pay for the cost of poor health. One of the approaches that the employers use is bargaining for the best and maximum amount of discounts that they can get from other health plans providers and third party health proprietors. Often they are constantly searching for companies that can help them to provide better deals for their employers. This action on the part of the employers can cause confusion among their employees.

Due to the increase of health care costs, some employers have passed on their responsibility of paying the cost of the health care to their employees. Many of the steps that these employers take as far as health care issues are concerned has cost them more. So, one vital thing that any employer can do to improve their health care system is to consider the value of the health care services and not just the cost alone. After all, it is the results that both employers and employees are after. The main objective of this approach is to increase the value of the services and not to reduce the costs of the overall health care benefits.

In the United States, there are a lot of employers who see health care benefits as the enemy. This is due to the fact that some health care providers fix their attention on the growing cost of the services that are included in the General health care package, and this has led them to take steps to lower the rates. Most countries have put this subject on the sideline and they expect that the government will take care of the issue. Some of these health care providers hope that the insurance companies of the patients, or the government will take on this responsibility.

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