More on Breast Implants

Breast implants are used to facilitate women to achieving their desired breast size and shape. Many women around the world are dissatisfied with their breast sizes. They often search a way out to fulfill their aspirations.

There are number of ways one can go for a breast health net military implants. These implants are of ‘saline-filled’, ‘silicone gel-filled’, ‘silicone-saline’ combination, ‘PVP-Hydrogel’ and ‘plant oil filled’ procedures. Sometimes you can go for rounded breast implant or anatomic breast implant. While the rounded implant gives a fuller upper chest and cleavage, the anatomic (often called teardrop) implants give your upper chest a more natural looking.

You may feel smooth or textured on the outer surface of the breast implants. Though there may be some adverse effects after being breast implanted, the textured implants help reduce the negative effects of capsule formation around the implant. Various surgical techniques are also used in breast implants. You must know that breast implants come in many sizes depending on your aspiration and physical conditions.

How are the different types of implants?

In the ‘saline-filled’ process of breast implants saline or sterile salt water is surgically inserted which allows some adjustment in sizes of your breasts. Many plastic surgeons
believe that this type of implants tend to have a higher rate of ‘leaking and deflation’ than ‘silicone gel’ implants procedure. But don’t worry; if the saline leaks into the body, it is absorbed without any harm. In the silicone gel breast implant procedure an elastomer envelope is filled with a clear, sticky, thick ‘jelly-like’ form of silicone that closely resembles the consistency of breast tissue. Silicone breast implants are widely used by plastic and ‘gender-reassignments’ surgeons throughout the world. Incase of plant oil-filled breast implants natural vegetable oil or triglyceride oil (called Trilucent) is filled that offers greater safety to women.

Breast implant has become one of the most frequently performed cosmetic plastic surgeries for body beautification. Breast implant technically known as ‘augmentation mammoplasty’, is a surgical procedure to augment the size and shape of a woman’s breast. Your breast health net military implants expenditure may vary according to the options you choose to implant. Average breast implant costs ranges from $4,000 to $9,000 per procedure. It is worthy to discuss many things including breast implant financing during consultations with your surgeons.

Breast Implant risks

Women generally face breast implant problems such as hardening of the breast, capsule formation or a more rounded appearance after implantation. Some of the possible breast implant problems are surgically related, while others have to do with the implant itself. Breast implant problems that can be serious in nature do not occur very often.

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Get The Facts About Breast Plastic Surgery And Breast Implants Now - Avoid Problems Later

Breast implants have been used since about 1895 to augment the size or shape of women's breasts. The earliest known implant was attempted by Dr. Czerny, using a woman's own fatty tissue from a lipoma on her back. In some countries, for cosmetic breast plastic surgery
, health insurers will reimburse insertion of breast implants only for clinical indications, meaning, congenital abnormalities, sex-reassignment surgery or breast reconstruction - usually following a mastectomy. And non-clinical indications, which are the most common reason women get breast health net military implants, are considered cosmetic and are not covered by health insurers.

The first woman implanted with silicone implants was back in 1962. For women with very little breast tissue, or who are having post-mastectomy reconstruction, plastic surgeons believe that silicone gel implants are the superior device; but in patients with more breast tissue, saline implants can look very similar to silicone gel implants. One manufacturer produced a model of pre-filled saline implants, but it has been reported to have had high failure rates following implantation.

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Because saline implants are empty when they're surgically inserted, the scar is smaller than for the silicone gel breast implants which are already filled with silicone before they are placed. There are two primary types of breast implants: saline-filled and silicone-gel-filled. Saline implant shells are composed of silicone elastomer and the implants are filled with saline solution after the implant is placed inside the body.

The current saline implant devices are manufactured now with thicker, room temperature vulcanized (RTV) shells. It was predominantly silicone implants that were designed in the 1970s that were involved in the class-action lawsuits against Dow-Corning and many other manufacturers back in the early 1990s.

It's important to remember that breast implants don't last a lifetime and at some time or other would need to be removed and replaced or removed permanently. A contracture is a complication that can be very painful and distort the appearance of the implanted breast; contractures are common. Be aware that thousands of women claim they have become ill from their breast implants. These complaints include neurological and rheumatological issues.

Studies of saline-filled breast implants that were approved by the FDA in May 2000 showed rupture and deflation rates of 3-5% at three years and 7-10% at five years for breast augmentation patients. When the silicone implants rupture they rarely deflate, and the silicone from the implant can leak out or leach into the intracapsular space around the implant. Local complications that can occur with breast implants include post-operative bleeding, fluid collections, surgical site infection, breast pain, alterations in nipple sensation, interference with breast feeding, visible wrinkling, asymmetric appearance, wound dehiscence with potential implant exposure, thinning of the breast tissue, disruption of the natural plane between the breasts and others.

An intracapsular rupture can progress to outside the capsule, called an extracapsular rupture, and it's usually agreed that both conditions indicate the need for removal of the implant. Some studies have indicated that subjective and objective symptoms of women with breast health net military implants may improve partially or entirely when their implants are removed.

The risk and the treatment of extracapsular silicone gel are still controversial. Plastic surgeons agree that it's difficult to remove. But they disagree about the lasting health effects. Researchers must study and compare a large group of women without breast implants who are of similar age, health, and social status and who are followed for a long time, meaning 10 to 20 years, before a relationship between women with breast implants and any diseases they have can be made.

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Breast Plastic Surgery And Breast Implants - Get Informed Fast

The most popular cosmetic surgery today is breast implants. Breast implants may be used to augment a smaller chest or for reconstruction after breast cancer. Before seriously considering breast implants, a person should understand the different types of breast implants and what to expect before, during and after breast implant surgery.

Saline Breast Implants

Most popular type of breast implants in the United States is the saline breast implant. However, saline breast implants are not popular throughout the rest of the world. Saline breast implants are most popular in the U.S. due to the regulations on silicone breast implants. Silicone breast health net military implants have been highly regulated due to rumors and suspicions regarding the health risks surrounding them.

Saline breast implants are particularly good due to the fact that they leave far less scarring than silicone breast implants. This is because the saline pocket can actually be inserted while empty and then filled once it has already been inserted. Also, the risks involved with saline breast implants may be reduced as saline is not an overly harmful substance to the body. This means that if the implant ruptures or leaks, the risks to the person with the implant is minor.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are the most popular type of implant outside of the U.S. This is due to several factors. First of all, silicone breast implants generally have a longer lifespan than saline breast implants. Also, silicone breast implants may give a nicer look and feel than saline breast implants. Silicone breast implants are also less likely than saline breast implants to have certain negative outcomes. For example, silicone breast implants are less likely to have a rippling effect or to move in the breast.

What to Expect With Breast Implants

Any patient with the desire to get breast implants should expect certain things. First of all, a person should expect to have a lengthy discussion with her doctor regarding why the patient wants the implants and what she is expecting from them. It is important for any person considering a breast implant to realize that while aesthetically pleasing, breast implants will most likely not significantly change a person's life.

If considering breast health net military implants, a person must realize that the possibility of significant scarring and other negative effects is possible, although not likely. Chronic pain or numbness in the breast and nipple are also possible side effects of breast augmentation. While these side effects are not likely, they should still be considered as they are certainly possible.

After getting breast augmentation, most people are able to return to work after about a week. Breast augmentation can be done either with a hospital stay or as an outpatient procedure. Generally, if the augmentation involves a hospital stay, the stay will be for no more than one or two nights, as long as there are no complications. Breast augmentation can also be done under general anesthetic or local anesthetic. After receiving breast augmentation, the patient's doctor will likely prescribe painkillers in addition to anti-nausea medication.

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All About Breast Implants

nce you have made the decision to get breast implants but before you look at available options for breast implant financing, do the research and find out all the information about breast implants themselves.

Breast health net military implants otherwise known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammaplasty in plastic surgery. There are many reasons that women seek this kind of surgery including improving the balance between hip to chest difference, improving self esteem and self image which gives in an increase in confidence, restoring breast volume decrease after a big weight loss or after pregnancy, or as an after mastectomy option, Whatever the reason, before you seek a plastic surgeon, do the research to find out all you can about this procedure. After you have done all the research, your next step would be to seek out a surgeon and go for your first consultation. If you have done all the research, you will have all the right questions to ask him.

There are currently two types of breast implants available for you to choose from. There are pros and cons to each type of implant. You must ask the surgeon what implant would be best for you and your body. Some surgeons prefer to work with one or the other type of implant and you should ask the surgeon his reasons for his or her preference. A particular type of breast implant may appear and feel attractive on one woman but may not suit you. Two companies which manufacture breast implants include Allergan and Mentor.

One type of breast implant is a silicone implant which is an elastomer silicone shell filled with silicone gel. These are unlike the silicone implants of the past and are better in the cohesiveness of the gel in that it keeps its shape even after being cut. In the past, the silicone gel would leak from the implant shell.

The benefits of silicone breast implants is that they are naturally shaped, feel natural, and look natural. The cohesiveness of the gel makes it less likely to "ripple" and keeps its original shape over time. Silicone breast implants come in many sizes and heights. The disadvantage of silicone breast implants is that the implant shell is pre-filled making it necessary for a larger incision. This incision is either made in the fold under the breast or an incision around the areola. They cannot be placed in an armpit incision.

A saline breast implant consists of a silicon elastomer shell with a saline (salt water solution) within. Saline solution is like the fluids in the body and if the implant leak the solution will be absorbed by the body without danger. Saline breast implants are inserted unfilled into the breast and then filled with the sterile saline solution. These saline implants come in many various shapes and textures. There are various types of saline breast implants including Round Saline Implants, Anatomical Saline Implants, Smooth Saline Implants and Texture saline implants. Speak with your plastic surgeon about the benefits of these different types of saline breast implants.

The breast implant surgery is an outpatient procedure, The costs of breast implant surgery costs from $4,000 to $10,000. The breast implants themselves cost between $1,000 to $1,300. The fees for the anesthetologist is about $700 to $800. There will be a cost to the hospital where your plastic surgery will occur. Other costs involved in the total cost of the breast implant procedure will also include your surgeons fee which will be determined by his experience and the geographic location where your surgery will occur. General anesthesia is usually recommended.

Charges for your breast health net military implants procedure include the cost of the anesthesia. You will no doubt be pleased with your breast implant surgery as the results are immediate. You will have some swelling which will go down in two to four weeks. The incision scars will fade and flatten in about a year. However, breast implants do not last for a life time. You must have them checked out by the doctor yearly to see if the breast implants should be replaced.

I hope I have summed up all the basic information you need prior to making your final decision to get breast implants. You should start searching for a plastic surgeon who is certified and whose work has a good reputation. Ensure that this doctor is fully qualified as a plastic surgeon because you must only trust the work of a reputable, fully qualified plastic surgeon. You can also start looking at the options available for breast implant financing if you do not have the ready-available cash. There are many companies out there that provide the service for financing breast implants so you can decide when exactly you want to breast implants done.

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Breast Implant Surgery

Breast implant surgery can improve the size and shape of your breast. The development of the surgical procedure and breast-implant technology has become more advanced, which provides better post-surgical results than years ago. This procedure may be combined with a breast lift to give a fully satisfactory result. Breast implants are placed in the breast in one of three different ways:

-Sub glandular implant placement
-Sub muscular implant placement
-Complete sub muscular implant placement

These placements varied from shallow (sub muscular) to deep (complete sub muscular) the best possible implant location depends on the size of the breast implants, anatomy and other factors related to your objectives and expectations. Breast implant surgery provides you more control over your size, shape, and profile. It can also improve your appearance after giving birth or child bearing, and also restores your youthful appearance. Keep in mind that sagging breast require a lift, which can be performed with or without implant.

Additionally, breast implant comes in many variations including

- Implant exterior: smooth or textured implant
- Form: round or shaped implant
- Profile: how distant the implant can extend beyond
- Implant size or volume: 120 to 850 CC
- Implant material: silicone or saline

The type of breast implant you choose is based on your profile and increased-size goals, as well as other individual and anatomical factors. For an instance, if you want to restore your breast to pre-pregnancy or pre-breast feeding appearance, you need to undergo breast lift to treat the sagging appearance or improve the size of the genetically smaller breasts.

The surface of the implant is also important for so many reasons. Implant with textured surface was designed to lessen the chance of capsular contraction. However, textured implant is more likely to be visible through the skin, depending on the implant placement. The profile, shape and volume of the health net military implants should be selected based on your breast-line goals. These factors are also affected by the implant placement. Choosing the right implant for you may be overwhelming particularly when considering the above mentioned factors. However, there are some ways on how to begin putting the pieces together:

The implant anatomy fills you in on choices of materials. You must also understand the main types of implant materials (silicon and saline). You must know that the implant location work better for certain situation.

After identifying the factors that may vary in deciding to have a breast implant surgery, now you should know how to recover from this type of surgical procedure. This type of surgery needs long recovery period for patients; the recovery time can be varied from a couple of days to few weeks depending on the condition and elasticity of the skin. Once the initial healing phase is over, there are still limitations you need to know about. You must plan to take a few days off from work or school to recuperate. Read on to understand how to recover from breast implant surgery.

Things you need to do to achieve fast recovery

Set out fluffy pillows to increase your comfort level, elevate your torso to reduce swelling. Place water and snacks beside your bed because Anesthesia used during implant surgery may cause nausea or stomach discomfort. Water and snacks will help to relieve the pain and settle your stomach. Prepare your medication and placed them near your bed. You may ask the assistance of your family or friends to care for your children while you recover. Take a lot of rest and limit your movement for the first few days after your surgery.

Prepare ice packs to manage swelling. If you have frozen packages of fruit, they may also prove useful for reducing pain and discomfort. Buy comfortable over-sized shirts that button in front. Getting your arms in a shirt and pulling it over your head will be impossible the day after surgery. You can start massaging your breast as early as possible to prevent encapsulation or hardening of the scar tissue.

You don't have to worry because your surgeon will teach you self-massage techniques that are safe to perform with your breast implants. Always wear your post-surgical bra until your surgeon has seen your incisions. He will tell you whether your recovery is progressing as expected. The doctor will also advise you when it is fine to stop wearing the bra. You must avoid lifting heavy objects until you see your physician. The strain of weight on your incision can cause tearing or popping of the stitches. Check if you have post-operative fever because this could be an indication that you might have an infection after the surgery.

Warning after breast implant surgery

You should do research after care treatment facilities if you have enough budget for this. These comfortable accommodations are sometimes handled by nursing professional trained to check infection.

Side effects of breast implant surgery

Breast implants may hinder with breast feeding though many women have successfully breast feed after the surgery. It is advisable that you tell your plastic surgeon about your plan to breast feed after your surgery.

Another side effect of breast implant surgery is that it may impede breast cancer detection. During X-ray, mammography, or ultrasound the implants could cover suspicious lesions or tumor. Professional health care giver must take special care of breast-implant patients throughout breast exams. Further views are needed, which take additional time for imaging. When you make a mammography appointment, tell the receptionist about the implants so they can schedule the extra time.

Moreover, breast implant surgery may also cause Loss of Sensation. After breast surgery, some implant patients experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast area. Loss of sensation is due to damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This might be temporary, but it can be permanent. The surgical technique can play a role in this complication.

Your surgeon can determine the most appropriate implant and surgical technique to lessen loss of sensation. No implant will last forever. health net military implantscan break or rupture, resulting deflation. Some ruptures are due to natural aging of the implant, too much compression to the breast, or trauma to the breast. The common effect is changed in the size and shape of the breast. Based on the size of the rupture, changes in breast appearance can occur over a few days or over a very long period of time.

Mammography sometimes adds pressure to the breast implant enough to cause rupture. So, Technicians must be careful in doing mammography to confirm that there is no too much pressure set on the breasts.

Before you have surgery, discuss possible side effects with a plastic surgeon that is skilled in breast implant surgery. Choosing the right plastic surgeon, following pre and postoperative instructions, and setting realistic expectations for your implant size and shape, can help you avoid side effects.

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Gummy Bear Breast Implant: Top 10 Things To Know

Gummy bear health net military implants have become a popular choice in breast implant type for women considering breast augmentation. Also known as silicone cohesive gel breast implants, the gummy bear breast implant gets its popular name because of its consistency. With a very dense, high-strength silicone consistency, this implant resembles the common gummy bear candy.

Approved by the FDA in November of 2006, the silicone cohesive gel breast implant has quickly risen in terms of popularity. Besides the benefits to its look and feel, the gummy bear breast implant may be more durable and less likely to rupture than saline breast implants.

Gummy Bear Breast Implants Top 10 List of Things To Know

1. Appearance. One of the main advantages to this type of breast implant is that due to the consistency of the solidified gel, gummy bears tend to make the breast look natural. They hold their shape in a way that saline cannot. The are not likely to wrinkle and fold over time, and much less apt to ripple. Due to their composition they will tend to remain in an upright position and are less likely to sag.

2.Touch. Many women will report that this is one of the biggest advantages. The cohesive silicone gel feels more natural to the touch than a saline implant. Additionally, they do not have the occasional sloshing sound that a saline breast implant can have.

3.Consistency. The density of the silicone composition makes the implant feel much more like the natural tissue of your breast.

4.What's it made of? Gummy bear breast implants are made of a solidified silicone gel. Silicone breast implants were approved by the FDA in November 2006 after years of study and silicone breast implant trials.

5.Rupture. If this type of implant ruptures it will actually hold itself together, whereas a saline breast implant will leak and shrink over a period of a few days. Unlike the original silicone breast implants, this generation now has a thick outer shell and due to its consistency is less likely to leak.

6.Incision Methods. The size and make up of this implant makes your choice in terms of incision method more limited. Your scars will be a bit larger so that the doctor will have room to place the implant. Importantly, the popular belly button incision method (transumbilical) is not a possibility with gummy bears. Gummy bears can be inserted through the nipple, under the breast, or through the armpit.

7.Durability. Only time will tell since this type of implant is relatively new to the market but the results so far are very promising.

8.Downside. Perhaps the biggest downsides to this type of breast implant are the costs and the limitations in incision methods. The cost today is approximately one-thousand dollars more than a saline breast implant. The possibility of a larger scar from the incision and the inability to perform belly button insertion may be a deterrence for some women.

9.Ask your doctor. Are silicone gel breast implants right for me? How many breast augmentations have you performed with gummy bear breast implants? What do your patients say are the benefits? What will my scar look like?

10.Breast Implant Size. Gummy bear breast implants are available in a wide variety of breast implant sizes. Depending upon what your goal in breast size is you may choose from sizes as small as 100cc all the way up to 1000cc. Whether you are looking to have breast augmentation to increase your bra size by one cup (approximately 150cc), two cups (300cc to 350cc), three cups or more, you will find a cohesive gel breast implant that will fit your goal size.

Breast Implant Size

As you decide upon your breast health net military implants size it is important to note that this is one of the most critical decisions you will make. Studies show that the most common reasons women go back to their doctor for a second or third breast augmentation procedure is simply to change their breast implant size.

If you choose gummy bear breast implants you will be investing a significant amount of money, time, along with some risk. The latest industry buzz is around helping women choose their breast implant size appropriately the first time to avoid subsequent surgeries.

The latest innovation to help you choose is called The Purlz Breast Sizing System. This system actually allows you to experience various breast implant sizes over a period of time. The past methods such as the rice bag test have proven deficient in the most recent studies. By taking some time to wear these breast sizers you will experience the thoughts, emotions, and feelings associated with various breast implant sizes.

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Potential Breast Implant Complications

Breast implants deflate when the saline solution leaks either through an unsealed or damaged valve or through a break in the implant shell. Implant deflation can occur immediately or slowly over a period of days and is noticed by loss of size or shape of your breast. Some breast implants deflate (or rupture) in the first few months after being implanted and some deflate after several years.

Causes of deflation include damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or underfilling of the breast implant with saline solution, capsular contracture, closed capsulotomy, stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation, excessive compression during mammographic imaging, umbilical incision placement, and unknown/unexplained reasons. You should also be aware that the breast implant may wear out over time and deflate/rupture. Deflated breast implants require additional surgery to remove and to possibly replace the breast implant.

Capsular Contracture

The scar tissue or capsule that normally forms around the breast health net military implants may tighten and squeeze the breast implant and is called capsular contracture. Capsular contracture may be more common following infection, hematoma, and seroma. It is also more common with subglandular placement (behind the mammary gland and on top of the chest). Symptoms range from mild firmness and mild discomfort to severe pain, distorted shape, palpability of the breast implant, and/or movement of the breast implant. Additional surgery is needed in cases where pain and/or firmness is severe.

This surgery ranges from removal of the breast implant capsule tissue to removal and possibly replacement of the breast implant itself. Capsular contracture may happen again after these additional surgeries.


Pain of varying intensity and duration may occur and persist following breast implant surgery. In addition, improper size, placement, surgical technique, or capsular contracture may result in pain associated with nerve entrapment or interference with muscle motion. You should tell your surgeon about severe pain.

Additional Surgeries

You should know that there is a high chance that you will need to have additional surgery at some point to replace or remove the breast implant. Also, problems such as deflation, capsular contracture, infection, shifting, and calcium deposits can require removal of the breast implants. Many women decide to have the breast implants replaced, but some women do not. If you choose not to, you may have cosmetically unacceptable dimpling and/or puckering of the breast following removal of the breast implant.

Dissatisfaction with Cosmetic Results

Dissatisfying results such as wrinkling, asymmetry, implant displacement (shifting), incorrect size, unanticipated shape, implant palpability, scar deformity, hypertrophic (irregular, raised scar) scarring, and/or sloshing may occur. Careful surgical planning and technique can minimize but not always prevent such results.


Infection can occur with any surgery. Most infections resulting from surgery appear within a few days to weeks after the operation. However, infection is possible at any time after surgery. Infections with a breast implant present are harder to treat than infections in normal body tissues.

If an infection does not respond to antibiotics, the breast implant may have to be removed, and another breast implant may be placed after the infection is resolved. In rare instances, Toxic Shock Syndrome has been noted in women after breast implant surgery, and it is a life-threatening condition. Symptoms include sudden fever, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and/or sunburn-like rash. A surgeon should be seen immediately for diagnosis and treatment for this condition.


Hematoma is a collection of blood inside a body cavity, and a seroma is a collection of the watery portion of the blood (in this case, around the breast implant or around the incision). Postoperative hematoma and seroma may contribute to infection and/or capsular contracture. Swelling, pain, and bruising may result.

If a hematoma occurs, it will usually be soon after surgery, however this can also occur at any time after injury to the breast. While the body absorbs small hematomas and seromas, large ones will require the placement of surgical drains for proper healing. A small scar can result from surgical draining. Implant deflation/rupture can occur from surgical draining if damage to the breast implant occurs during the draining procedure.

Changes in Nipple and Breast Sensation
Feeling in the nipple and breast can increase or decrease after breast implant surgery. The range of changes varies from intense sensitivity to no feeling in the nipple or breast following surgery. Changes in feeling can be temporary or permanent and may affect your sexual response or your ability to nurse a baby.

Breast Feeding

At this time it is not known if a small amount of silicone may diffuse (pass through) from the saline-filled breast implant silicone shell and may find its way into breast milk. If this occurs, it is not known what effect it may have on the nursing infant. Although there are no current methods for detecting silicone levels in breast milk, a study measuring silicon (one component in silicone) levels did not indicate higher levels in breast milk from women with silicone-filled gel breast implants when compared to women without breast implants.

With respect to the ability to successfully breast feed after breast implantation, one study reported up to 64% of women with breast implants who were unable to breast feed compared to 7% without breast implants. The periareolar incision site may significantly reduce the ability to successfully breast feed.

Calcium Deposits in the Tissue Around the Breast Implant

Deposits of calcium can be seen on mammograms and can be mistaken for possible cancer, resulting in additional surgery for biopsy and/or removal of the implant to distinguish the calcium deposits from cancer.

Delayed Wound Healing

In some cases, the incision site takes longer to heal than normally.


Unstable or compromised tissue covering and/or interruption of wound healing may result in extrusion, which is when the breast implant comes through the skin.


Necrosis is the formation of dead tissue around the breast implant. This may prevent wound healing and require surgical correction and/or breast implant removal. Permanent scar deformity may occur following necrosis. Factors associated with increased necrosis include infection, use of steroids in the surgical pocket, smoking, chemotherapy/radiation, and excessive heat or cold therapy.

Breast Tissue Atrophy/Chest Wall Deformity

The pressure of the breast implant may cause the breast tissue to thin and shrink. This can occur while breast implants are still in place or following breast implant removal without replacement. In addition to these complications, there have been concerns with certain systemic diseases, of which you should be aware.

Connective Tissue Disease

Concern over the association of breast health net military implants to the development of autoimmune or connective tissue diseases, such as lupus, scleroderma, or rheumatoid arthritis, was raised because of cases reported in the literature with small numbers of women with implants. A review of several large epidemiological studies of women with and without implants indicates that these diseases are no more common in women with implants than those in women without implants. However, a lot of women with breast implants believe that their implants caused a connective tissue disease.


Published studies indicate that breast cancer is no more common in women with breast implants than those without breast implants.

Second Generation Effects

There have been concerns raised regarding potential damaging effects on children born of mothers with breast implants. A review of the published literature on this issue suggests that the information is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions.

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Orthopedic Problems In Adolescents

Physical health problems encountered during adolescence can affect the development of the body, if not treated. There are few anatomic regions, such as spine, knee and ankle, in adolescents which can get orthopedic problems such as Osgood-Schlatter disease, and Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis.

Osgood-Schlatter disease is caused due to injury or overuse of the knee which causes swelling and pain in the area below the knee, above the shin bone. The patellar tendon and the soft tissues surrounding it gets inflamed, because of the constant pulling of the area where the tendon joins the below knee. Usually, powerpoint presentations on adolescent health who participate in sports actively and are athletic, such as football, basketball, soccer, ballet and gymnastics, tend to get the Osgood-Schlatter disease. Boys of age eleven to fifteen and girls of age eight to thirteen are at greater risk. The reason why adolescents get this problem is that their bones grow faster when compared to the tendons and muscles in this age and because of this the muscles and tendons stretch and become tight.

The symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter disease are swelling of knee, tenderness below knee area and limping. The doctor will check the medical history of the patient and will conduct physical examination and diagnostic procedures such as taking an X-ray. The physician will decide on the treatment to be done by studying the overall health, age, medical history, tolerance for certain medications and extent of the disease. Treatment will include medications, rest, compression, elevation, neoprene knee sleeve and physical therapy. The main aim will be to control and limit the knee pain by cutting down on the adolescent’s physical activities. Usually the Osgood-Schlatter disease gets healed over a period of time and in very rare cases is a surgery required.

Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a problem which affects the hip joint. The ball or head of the thigh bone, also known as femoral head slips from the thigh bone’s neck. Because of this the hip joint becomes stiff and painful. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is the most common disorder of the hip which can happen in both the hips or one and it is more common in boys when compared to girls. Basically, adolescents of the age ten to eighteen years and who are overweight can be affected by this condition. The condition can arise over a time interval of few weeks or years. The condition, if resulted because of trauma and is also called acute slip and if results after a period of time is called chronic slip. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis is caused because of medications, radiation treatment, thyroid problems, and chemotherapy.

There are three degrees of intensity of slipped capital femoral epiphysis, mild, moderate and severe. In mild slipped capital femoral epiphysis, only one third of femoral head slips from the thigh bone. In moderate, one third to half slips and in severe, more than half of the femoral head slips. The symptoms of this condition are pain in hip which increases upon movement, pain in thigh, knee & groin and limpness in the leg. When an adolescent walks there will be a clicking sound in the hip and his/her legs will be turned outwards.

Apart from studying the medical history of the patient, the doctor will recommend diagnostic procedures such as bone scans, X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging and blood test. The bone scans will determine the arthritic changes and degenerative changes in the joints, which helps to detect tumors & bone diseases and the cause of pain and inflammation. The X-ray will give the inside picture of the bones, tissues and organs. The magnetic resonance imaging provide detailed image of the structures within the body with the help of large magnets. It is best if slipped capital femoral epiphysis is determined in the early stages, so that the femur bone’s head doesn’t slip off any further. The powerpoint presentations on adolescent health may need to undergo a surgery along with physical therapy.

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Obesity In Adolescents

Obesity and overweight are the second most major reasons of preventable deaths in America. Stagnant lifestyle and junk food is to be blamed for more than three hundred thousand deaths per annum. The sad thing is that this problem is on the rise. Obesity is a chronic disease which poses serious health risk to the health of an individual. Also, obesity is the easiest recognizable medical problem, but is very difficult to deal with.

People usually confuse obesity with overweight. Overweight is gaining of a few extra pounds. A person is considered obese when the total body weight is minimum ten percent more than the recommended weight for his/her body structure and height. According to an estimate every year hundred billion dollars are spent on the obesity problem. It is very important to treat the problem as early as possible. Obese children between the age of ten and thirteen have eighty percent chances of growing into obese adults, unless they change their ways and adopt a healthier lifestyle. The obesity problem starts from the age of five and continue till adolescence.

Obesity can be caused due to complex reasons including biological, genetic, cultural and behavioral factors. Usually a person gets obese when he/she consumes more calories than the body burns. Also there are fifty percent chances of becoming obese when both one of the parent is obese and when obesity has affected both the parents, the chances increases to eighty percent. One percent of obese people can have that fat because of health reasons, as obesity can be caused due to few medical disorders. The causes of obesity in powerpoint presentations on adolescent health are overeating, family history, bad eating habits, little or no exercise, medical illness, low self esteem, medications, depression, emotional problems, stressful life, and family problem.

Obesity can cause many major problems. Some of them are diabetes, sleeping disorders, high blood pressure, breathing problems, emotional problems and increase in heart disease risk. Teenagers are more prone to get emotional problems. Because of the weight, they develop low self esteem. They get into depression, obsessive compulsion disorder and anxiety.

Adolescents who want to tackle the obesity problem should approach a pediatrician who will thoroughly evaluate the cause. If no physical disorder is to be blamed, the weight is reduced by limiting the calorie intake and increasing physical activity. The doctor can advice a weight management program and change the eating habits of the teenager, slowly. The patient must avoid oily, fatty, fast and junk food. The potions must be reduced in order to decrease the calorie intake. If the adolescent has developed emotional problems because of obesity, an adolescent psychiatrist can collaborate with the pediatrician in order to make a comprehensive plan for treatment. The plan includes reasonable goals, behavior modification, family participation, and management of physical activity.

Self motivation is extremely necessary in loosing weight. Because obesity is more a family problem and not an individual problem, the whole family can switch to eating healthy food and exercising regularly. This can make the weight control program a success. Parents can play a major role by boosting the self esteem of their children by concentrating on their strengths and encouraging them, instead of targeting the weight problem. The whole family should eat meals together, instead of eating individually while watching a movie. This helps all the members to focus on the food and the quantity being eaten. If the teenager isn’t getting support from his family members, he/she can join support groups which can help towards the goals.

After the powerpoint presentations on adolescent health has lost weight, it is very important that he/she maintains it. In majority of the cases, people shift back to their old eating habits after loosing weight. That is the reason why obesity is more of a lifetime issue. So the main aim of any weight loss program must be make the adolescent like healthy food. He/she must also be made to exercise regularly, irrespective of the weight.

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Common Oral Health Problems In Adolescents

Adolescents face many oral health problems which may require them to visit a dentist or any other healthcare professional. Irregular teeth growth is a common problem and adolescents with braces are a common sight. Another problem is wisdom teeth extraction or the removal of the third molar. Dental cavities are yet another common problem in adolescents.

Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry which deals with correction, development and prevention of irregular teeth, jaw and bite. Orthodontics also helps to correct jaw disorders and facial abnormalities. If a general dentist feels abnormalities in the adolescent, he/she will refer the patient to an orthodontist. The American Dental Association suggests that every powerpoint presentations on adolescent health above the age of seven should get an orthodontic evaluation done. Problems which require orthodontic treatment are crowded or crooked teeth, extra teeth, missing teeth, under-bite, overbite, jaw joint disorder, and incorrect or misaligned jaw position.

To get braces or any other orthodontic treatments, the appropriate age is ten to fourteen years. But regardless of the age, the same physical and biological process is used in correcting and moving the teeth alignments. Braces are also known as fixed orthodontic appliances. There are three types of braces used to move and reposition the teeth. The first consists of brackets which are made out of plastic or metal. They are either of tooth color or clear and are bonded onto the teeth. The second type is the lingual type of brackets which are attached to the back teeth and cannot be seen while talking. The third type is a band. It is a metal band which covers the teeth and wraps around the last ones.

When adolescents wear braces they have to take certain precautions in order to avoid any more oral health complications. The most important precautionary measure is to brush the teeth regularly after every meal. Since the food can be easily lodged in braces, it is a good idea to brush carefully with soft bristles toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. In the morning, the adolescent must floss between the braces and teeth. Food stuffs which are sticky or hard must be avoided as they are very difficult to remove. Foods like caramel, chew candy, popcorn, and nuts must be avoided. Cleaning must be done by the orthodontist or general dentist, every five to six months.

The wisdom teeth or third molars can grow in people of the age fifteen to twenty five. These teeth cause problem, because most of the mouths are too small to adjust new teeth and hence they need to be removed. If the wisdom tooth has place to grow, without affecting other teeth, they can be left to themselves. But if the powerpoint presentations on adolescent health experiences pain, facial swelling, mouth infection and gum-line swelling, then they should be extracted immediately. They can also destroy the second molars and impact other tooth. Various gum and jaw diseases can be caused. There can be a tumor development; cysts development and plaque build up. Hence, a surgery is performed to remove the tooth or teeth. The gum tissue covering the wisdom tooth is removed and the connective tissue connecting the tooth to the bone is detached. The tooth is then removed and the opening is sutured. A general dentist can perform wisdom tooth surgery in the local office using anesthesia.

Five times common than asthma is tooth cavities. The tooth above the gum line is made up of enamel, the hardest tissue within the human body. The tooth below the gum-line comprise of nerves, roots and dentin. Dentin is another type of tissue and isn’t as hard as the enamel. The acid which leads to tooth decay is produced by bacteria. These acids, along with dietary sugar, attach the enamel and eat away the minerals within the enamel, until a cavity is formed. This is known as tooth cavity. The biggest prevention against dental cavities is brushing teeth twice a day and even better, after every meal with fluoride toothpaste and soft bristle toothbrush. Carbonated drinks must be avoided strictly and must be replaced with fruit juices and sugary food must be avoided. Intake of fluoridated water also helps a lot or fluoride supplements can be used as replacement.

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Diabetes In Adolescents

Diabetes is a rapidly growing, serious powerpoint presentations on adolescent health problem among youngster today. Above thirteen thousand adolescents are diagnosed for type 1 diabetes, every year in America. There has also been an increase in the number of teenagers with type 2 diabetes, which was more common among adults above forty and who were overweight. Clinics are reporting that nearly half of the new childhood diabetes cases are of type 2. Adolescents, who are obese and had type 2 diabetes in the family history, are at a greater risk of developing diabetes.

Diabetes is a disease where the human body is incapable of producing or utilizing insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the body in order to get energy by converting starches, sugar and other items. Since the insulin isn’t used properly in diabetic people, the blood sugar level increases. This glucose buildup is found in blood and is then passed onto the urine and comes out of the body and the major source of body energy is lost.

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease and should be handled at proper time; otherwise it can create serious problems. It can pose a risk and can damage parts of the human body such as eyes, teeth, gums, blood vessels, nerves, and kidneys. This is the reason why diabetes is responsible in most of the cases of adult blindness, kidney failure and lower limb amputations. And if left untreated, it can cause stroke, heart disease and eventually, death. These problems are not only faced by adults, but also adolescents who get diabetes in their childhood. The important factor in treatment of diabetes is to keep the blood sugar level normal at all times.

There are basically two types of diabetes that will affect an adolescent. It is type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes affects the immune system’s function as the systems attacks the pancreas’ insulin producing cells, also known as the beta cells. Because of this, the pancreas loses the ability to manufacture insulin. This is the reason why people with type 1 diabetes take insulin everyday. The symptoms are weight loss, increase in urination & thirst, blurred vision, tiredness and constant hunger. And if the adolescent isn’t treated at the right time, he/she can slip in to diabetic coma which can endanger his/her life. In type2 diabetes, the body is incapable of properly using the insulin produced by the body and requires insulin from an external source, too. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are similar to type 1 diabetes. The teenager feels sick, tired, nauseated, and thirsty. The wounds will recover very slowly; he/she will get infections frequently, will develop blurred vision and will experience weight loss.

Parents play a vital role in determining the problem. They should constantly observe their child for eating disorders or signs of depression. Although cigarette, drugs and alcohol should be avoided by all adolescents and children, it is even more important that youngster with diabetes should stay away from these things as they can worsen the situation. A person with diabetes, who switches to smoking, is at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and circulatory problems. Consumption of alcohol can cause hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. It is the duty of the parents to make their child aware of the possible risk they would face if they start to smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs.

Children and powerpoint presentations on adolescent health, who have diabetes, face many challenges while trying to lead a normal life. They have to think twice before doing simple things as going to a party, playing sports and even when staying over with friends. This is because they require to intake oral medication or insulin. Their blood sugar level must be checked many times through out the day. Also, at gatherings, they have to avoid many food items. Because of this they will feel different from the crowd and can feel left out. Not only does diabetes pose behavioral challenges, but also emotional challenges.

Along with doctor consultation, a psychologist must also be consulted who can deal with the emotional challenges of the adolescent. The family should also play an active role in making the youngster feel better. The family should work in collaboration with physician
, dietitian and diabetes educators. Teachers, counselors, school nurses, day care providers, and other community members can provide extended support and guidance. They can provide help with transportation, mental health counseling, health education, social services and financial services.

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Adolescent Pregnancy

Adolescent pregnancy in ninety nine percent of the cases is unwanted and is the major consequence of adolescent sexual activity, other than STDs. This issue has affected youth, families, educators, powerpoint presentations on adolescent health care professionals, and government official. A study on the high school adolescents has concluded that forty eight percent of the males and forty five percent of the females are sexually active. One fourth of the high school students had sexual contact by fifteen years of age. The average age of boys is sixteen and a girl is seventeen, who have had intercourse. Ninety percent of adolescents, in the age range of fifteen to nineteen, say their pregnancy is unintended.

Seventy four percent of females above fourteen years and sixty percent of females below fifteen years have reported to have involuntary sex. Fifty percent of the adolescent pregnancies are within the time period of six months after the initial sexual intercourse. More than nine hundred thousand teenagers are reported to have become pregnant every year in the United States. Fifty one percent of the adolescent pregnancies result in live birth, thirty five percent result in induced abortion and fourteen percent result in stillbirths or miscarriages. Four out of ten adolescent females get pregnant, before they turn twenty, at least once. Twenty five percent of adolescent deliveries aren’t the mother’s first child. When a teenager gives birth to her first child, she increases the risk of begetting another child. One third of the adolescent parents are themselves result of adolescent pregnancies.

There are many reasons why adolescents choose to become sexually active at an early stage in life. The reasons can be early pubertal development, poverty, sexual abuse in childhood, lack of parent’s attention, lack of career goals, family and cultural patterns of early sex, substance abuse, dropping out from school and poor school performance. Factors which discourage an adolescent to become sexually active are stable family environment, parental supervision, good family income, regular prayers, connectedness with parents and living with complete family and both the parents. The factors which are responsible for the consistent use of contraceptive among adolescents are academic success, anticipation for successful future, and involvement in a stable relationship.

There are many medical risks associated with adolescent pregnancies. Adolescents who are less than seventeen years are at a greater risk of developing medical complications, when compared to adult females. The risk is even more in teenagers below seventeen. The weight of the child, given birth by an adolescent, is very low in these pregnancies. It is usually below 2.5 kilogram. The rate of neonatal birth is also three times greater in adolescents, when compared to adults. Other problems caused by adolescent pregnancies are prematurity of the child, birth of underweight child, poor maternal weight gain, poor nutritional status, anemia, STDs and hypertension induced due to pregnancy.

Although there is an increase in the use of contraceptive methods by powerpoint presentations on adolescent health during their first sexual contact, only sixty three percent of the high school students have said to use condom while having sex previously. Adolescents, who use prescription contraceptives, delay their doctor’s visit until the time they become sexually active for over a year.

According to a research, youngsters who have participated in sex education programs which gave them knowledge about contraception methods, abstinence, sexually transmitted diseases and youngsters who involved in discussions in order to get a clear picture, used contraceptives and condoms effectively without any increase in sexual activity. The Center for Disease Control & Prevention has said that the solution for unwanted adolescent pregnancies and STDs are barrier contraceptive use and abstinence.

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Eating Disorders In Adolescents

Since the adolescence is the age where bones are sprout and grow rapidly, well nourished food must be given to the adolescent to facilitate normal growth & development. The nutritional intake must be monitored regularly and modified depending upon the growing needs. Teenagers tend to develop eating disorders which affect their nutritional health. The eating behavior must be corrected as early as possible as it can lead to the development of complex illnesses. Eating disorder is the third common chronic illness, especially in adolescent females and the number has been increasing rapidly from the past thirty years.

There are two subcategories of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is the restrictive form, where the intake of food is limited severely. In bulimia nervosa is the eating disorder where the adolescent binges on food and then tries to minimize the effects by forcibly vomiting, fasting, and catharsis or over exercising. When handling adolescence eating disorders, they must be handled differently from adult eating disorders. Adolescents face problems such as growth retardation, suppressed height, abnormal weight, pubertal delay, menstrual periods absence, and menses unpredictability. When the adolescent is growing there will be critical tissue components loss like loss of body fat, muscle mass and bone mineral.

Nutritional imbalance is also caused which reflect abnormalities in the levels of vitamins, mineral and other trace elements. The problem is that these abnormalities cannot be recognized clinically. But since protein and calories are essential to the growth of the adolescent, it is important to trace their abnormalities. Because of the problems, healthy adulthood is not a possible thing. Because of all these reasons, it is important to diagnose powerpoint presentations on adolescent health disorders as early as possible. Eating disorders give rise to peak bone mass impaired acquisition in case of adolescents. When they turn into adults, this problem aggravates to osteoporosis. Even internal organs get affected due to eating disorders. All this can be prevented by early intervention so as to limit, prevent and ameliorate medical complications, which can turn become life threatening.

Adolescents who practice unhealthy weight control practices and are obsessive about figure, weight, food or exercise should be treated clinically. Not only should the symptoms be checked, but their duration, intensity and frequency should also be checked. Although most of the physical complications caused due to eating disorders get solved with the help of nutritional rehabilitation some of the conditions become irreversible and the long term consequences of this are very dangerous. It is best if the eating disorders are recognized in the early stages as it won’t result in irreparable damage. The medical monitoring should be pursued till the adolescent returns back to appropriate psychological and medical health.

Eating disorders not only result in physical abnormalities, but also psychological abnormalities. Adolescents with eating disorders take onto social isolation, low self esteem, affective disorders, low self concept, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. Usually adolescents switch to unhealthy eating habits because of depression and lack of knowledge about affective techniques to lose weight. So the patients who are being treated for eating disorders must also be treated for psychiatric illness, if they have any. Even if the habits doesn’t fit the strict criteria, powerpoint presentations on adolescent health who limit food intake, binge, vomit or purge accompanied with or without harsh weight loss, should be monitored because of the involvement of risk of even death. Early treatment will have an improved outcome. But the level of intervention in adolescents should be less when compared to adults.

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Not Just For Kids -- The Surprising Health Issues Of Midlife Women

One of the advantages of reaching midlife is that we are finally finished with all those issues that make childhood and adolescence such a pain in the neck, such as needing set bedtimes as well as regular dental and eye checkups; having to worry about using protection during sex and about cigarette smoking; getting all those shots to prevent diseases and wearing helmets to prevent sports injuries; needing to eat all our vegetables and avoid sugar as well as not missing gym class. What a relief to let these issues fade right along with our memories of tetherball on the school playground!

Not so fast. Would it surprise you to know that you still have to be aware of each and every one of the above so-called "child/powerpoint presentations on adolescent health issues?

For instance, what about set bedtimes? The obvious reason that we needed enforced, regular bedtimes each night was so that we would get enough sleep. Being tired and sleepy the next day in school caused everything from lousy concentration to crabby moods. Now that we're in midlife, many of us believe that sleep is no longer an issue. This is not the case at all. It's still essential to our health and wellbeing. Recent studies have shown that not only do sleep disturbances often indicate a serious health problem, but that lack of sleep can actually cause health problems, such as weight gain. Polls have shown that nearly two thirds of adults over the age of sixty-five have sleep complaints, but that less than 15 per cent of them have been formally diagnosed with a sleep problem. Why? Because we don't mention sleep problems to our health care providers. Our mothers were right -- we still need to be concerned about our bedtimes.

Once we've gotten the glasses we need and all our baby teeth are gone, we no longer need to get regular eye and dental checkups as we did in our younger years, right? Again -- no. Although our vision does remain stable from young adulthood until we need bifocals, there are common eye diseases that begin to occur in midlife, and that can lead to blindness if not diagnosed. And even though we no longer have our baby teeth, other dental issues take the forefront upon reaching midlife, such as gum inflammation which has been shown to be associated with diabetes and heart disease. So, continued regular dental and eye checks are as important as in our younger years.

And what about sex at midlife and beyond? We've moved from groping and being groped in the backseat of the car to more sophisticated maneuvers in a comfortable bed, and finally, finally no longer have to worry about pregnancy. So we don't need protection; or so many of us think. Although it's true that once menopause arrives one can't get pregnant (warning: make sure you have completed menopause before assuming this as diagnosing menopause can be tricky), protection is still needed during sex because of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Yes, we can still get those, and in some cases are even more prone to becoming infected after menopause, even after a hysterectomy. And even though we're past the childbearing years and our reproductive organs seem to have no further use, we still need regular pelvic exams and Pap smears. It is also important at that exam to discuss with our healthcare providers the need for testing for STIs; if there is a new partner or the worry that the current partner is not monogamous, this testing is a must powerpoint presentations on adolescent health.

STIs are not the only threat held over from our adolescent years; so is cigarette smoking. Many women in midlife think that there is no reason to stop smoking cigarettes at this age, since they wrongly assume that the damage is already done from all the prior years of smoking. This is not the case. No matter how many years one has smoked, stopping can prevent further damage to the heart, blood vessels, and lungs, and in some cases can reverse some of that damage.

Also relevant to the lungs is the fact that asthma can begin in midlife, where once it was thought to only begin in childhood. The two major causes seem to be occupational exposure to substances that damage the lungs, and the recreational exposure to air pollution by adults who run predominantly outside. So, a new onset of shortness of breath at this age -- even if it occurs only with exercise -- does not necessarily mean heart disease; remember that we can develop asthma now.

Did you think you were finished with all those horrible shots you had to have in childhood and adolescence? Sorry, you're not. There is a recommended immunization schedule for adults in midlife and beyond, just as there are for children. At certain ages over 50 and at certain intervals, you'll need shots against the flu, certain types of pneumonia, tetanus, and in some instances, shingles and hepatitis. Ask your primary care provider about these.

And did you pack away your helmet when you gave away your bike with training wheels? Probably ok to have done this since now you will need a bigger size helmet. But you do need a helmet. A recent report by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission stated that sports-related injuries in the Baby Boomer population was on the rise, with over 1 million injuries in this age group in 1998 alone, most of the injuries being due to bicycling and basketball. The same report said that the many head injuries associated with bicycling were probably due to the fact that Baby Boomers use helmets less than younger people do.

The fact that exercise and proper nutrition are as important in midlife and beyond as in childhood may not come as a surprise. Regular exercise at this age has been shown to increase longevity and wellbeing, postpone and possibly prevent dementia, strokes, heart disease, and diabetes, and aid in the treatment of depression. Important to know as well is that several different types of regular exercise are recommended at this age, including aerobic (cardio) exercise, weight-bearing exercise or strength training, and exercises to improve balance and flexibility.

What we eat as we get older is every bit as important as it was in our younger years. One particular healthy way of eating, the Mediterranean diet, has been shown to stave off dementia, prevent heart disease and diabetes, maintain a healthy cholesterol level, and improve longevity. One study showed that this diet even improved sexual function in certain women! This diet is exactly as expected given its name: lots of natural whole foods, like vegetables, fruits, and nuts, lots of fish and olive oil, moderate amounts of wine, and limited amounts of foods containing refined sugar. Controlling the portions of the foods we eat is even more important at this age. Our metabolic rate decreases with age, making it easier to gain weight while eating the same amounts of food as in our younger years.

So, as you are rummaging through your mother's attic looking at your old dolls, baseball bat and Ouija Board, and breathing a sigh of relief that you no longer have to worry about being picked for a baseball team or that your best friend copied your paper doll's dress, don’t get lulled into complacency about your health. Although you once may have thought that taking care of yourself health-wise would get easier as you get older, you know now that that's not true. Make your appointments for regular checkups, get more than 5 hours of sleep a night, use protection when having sex, particularly with a new partner, stop smoking no matter how old you are, get the recommended immunizations, be careful and wear your helmet and seatbelts, and exercise regularly and eat well. Your mother’s recommendations from your childhood continue to apply!

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The Three Best Breast Feeding Positions

Because some babies like to feed differently than others, and because you'll want both your baby and yourself to be comfortable in different surroundings and situations, these are three best breast world health org feeding positions that I recommend.

The Cradle position

You may or may not need pillows for the Cradle position. First, place your baby on your lap with your baby's head at the breast you intend to feed from. If your baby's mouth is level with your nipple then you should not need to use a pillow. If you need a pillow find one that allows your nipple and baby's mouth to be level with one another.

Once you feel that you have the right height you can try this position. If you're feeding off your left breast, place your right arm up your baby's back and support your baby's head. With your left hand express a little bit of breast milk. It may help to a massage your breast first. Also have a wet nipple area can help to save your nipples getting sore.

Then place your thumb at the top of your areola and your second figure underneath your areola. Think of it as 6 o'clock on a clock face. Big hand at the 12 and small hand at the 6. Doing this helps to form your breast better for your baby get a better mouthful of your breast. Now your baby's nose should be directly across from your nipple. Keep expressing a little breast milk to interest your baby to feed. When your baby opens his or her mouth wide quickly but gently move your baby's head towards nipple. Do not be forceful; it could put your baby off.

The Rugby (or "Football") position.

Some babies prefer to feed from one side. The best way to deal with this is to use the Ruby position (sometimes called the "Football" position). For example, say your baby likes to only feed on your right side and will not feed from the left breast. Place a pillows (more than one if you need to) on your left side under your arm. Again, check the level of your nipple and your baby's mouth as we discussed above.

Place your baby on the pillows and lie him or her on their side. Check where your breast is in relation to where your baby is lying. If you have to maneuver your breast to your baby then you will struggle to feed comfortably. This is where a breast feeding pillow can come in handy, or an arrangement of pillows on your lap; whatever works for you to position your baby properly.

Do the same thing as described in the Cradle position, but with the baby on your left side, using your left arm to support your baby's body and head. Form your breast as described in the Cradle position. This position makes your baby feel like he or she is feeding off your right breast instead of your left.

The lying down position

This position is easy on both sides, and is similar to the other positions. We are going to try world health org feeding off our right side this time. So we are lying on our right side with your baby lying on his or her side so facing you. Adjust your position until your baby is lying where he or she can best reach your breast. Support you baby's body and head with your right arm. Use your left hand to form your right breast. As with the other two positions, wait until your baby has a wide mouth before offering your breast.

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Horse Feeding Tips

A horse's nutritional requirements and his digestive system have not changed since the time he was first domesticated thousands of years ago. However, due to a lack of knowledge, convenience considerations and an over-zealous adoption of the scientific claims of the feed industry, the way we feed a horse has changed dramatically. Often, these methods contradict what natural horsemanship tells us about world health org feeding and result in health problems for the horse and management problems for owner.

Certain principles of natural horsemanship can be applied to choosing a proper feeding program for the horse. Just as we studied aspects of horse physiology and psychology when approaching training techniques, it is beneficial to think in these terms when we decide how to feed our horses. This will tell us both what to feed and how to feed.

It doesn't take an expert in natural horsemanship or equine nutrition to understand that feeding flakes of alfalfa and grain supplements twice a day to a horse in a stall is not what Mother Nature intended. Indeed, that approach completely ignores a few basic principles that every horse owner should know about their four-legged charges.

A horse's digestive system is designed to obtain the maximum nutritional benefit from a diet of high-fiber and low-energy grasses. The foundation of a healthy, natural diet for a modern, domesticated horse is grass and grass hay. A horse in his natural environment will spend many hours a day grazing. Most experts say that a horse needs to consume at least 1.5 - 2 lb. of good quality hay and grain for every 100 lbs of body weight. Much will depend upon the metabolism of the horse. Horses that are heavily worked, pregnant and lactating mares will consume up to 3 lbs of dry matter for every 100 lbs. of body weight.

Grass hay is much preferable to alfalfa for the bulk for the horse's diet for several reasons. Alfalfa is a very rich or "hot" feed for the horse. It contains approximately 50% more protein and energy per pound than grass hay. Its phosphorous to calcium ratio is also too high for a horse's requirements. When fed with grain, as alfalfa often is, numerous digestive problems including colic may result. Alfalfa may be fed but only in small quantities almost as a supplement, not as the predominant feed component.

Not all hay is the same. The nutritional content of hay depends not only on the variety of grass grown, but also on the soil and amount and type of fertilizer used. Hay quality also can vary and should be examined prior to purchasing. Good hay exhibits the following qualities:

1. Should be leafy as opposed to containing too many stems. Most of hay's protein is contained in the leaves.

2. Good-quality hay should exhibit a light green color. If it is too yellow or brown, it might have been harvested too late and may not contain proper nutrients.

3. The hay should smell fresh and sweet. Hay that smells moldy or musty should be avoided. Feeding moldy hay can result in colic.

4. Check for weeds and other non-hay matter. Good horse hay should contain a bare minimum of weeds, sticks and debris.

Unfortunately, hay comes without supermarket labels specifying nutritional content, but often a reputable hay supplier will have a laboratory analysis available for a particular cutting of hay he is selling. Parameters to look for include:

1. Moisture: usually averages around 10%. Higher than 13% may result in palatability problems and even mold proliferation.

2. Crude protein: Legume hay will run 20% or more. High quality grass hay might run as high as 12-15%. A minimum should be at least 8%.

3. Digestible energy (DE): This is an estimate of the amount of energy available to the horse from the hay. This figure will vary depending upon the stage of growth at which the grass was cut and harvested. Young grass will have a higher DE. As the crop matures, DE decreases as the lignin content increases. A DE reading of less than 1.65 Mcal/kilogram indicates a high level of indigestibility and should not be fed to horses. This could cause impaction colic.

4. Acid detergent fibre (ADF: Indicates the digestibility of fiber in the hay. ADF levels above 45% indicate poor nutritional levels, while values less than 31% indicate excellent quality hay.

When horses ran wild, their food supply consisted of different kinds of grasses grown in one pasture or field. Today we have lost that natural variety. An improved pasture is more than likely to contain just one variety of hay grass. Feeding just one type of hay can limit the nutritional value of the horse's ration, especially trace minerals. Several different kinds of hay, ideally, should be fed. This will not only provide a more balanced diet but will also vary taste and texture characteristics of the feed as well.

A horse will also nibble eagerly on all kinds of vegetable matter. A good idea is to provide your horse with tree branches with leaves to chew on. He will not only be able to derive needed nutrients but will use his teeth and wear them down naturally. A horse's teeth are continually growing, and because of domestication and modern feeding techniques, usually need to be rasped down once a year. In the wild the horse is apt to feed in such a way that the growth of his teeth is naturally kept under control.

In addition to being perfectly suited to extracting maximum nutritional value from grasses, a horse's digestive system has other requirements which are often ignored by owners. The relatively small size of the stomach limits the amount of feed that can be safely consumed at one time. A horse is unable to vomit or belch. Eating a large volume of hay and grain concentrate twice a day, as most horses do, can be unhealthy and even dangerous. A horse should eat small amounts, many times a day.

One of the unique features of the horse's digestive system is that even though he has but one stomach compartment, as opposed to ruminants like cows, there is a large microbial population in the cecum and colon. These microbes have the ability to break down and utilize the nutrients contained in forage. The peculiar shape of the colon which bends back upon itself numerous times reduces the rate at which digested food is able to pass. This allows more efficient utilization of roughages in the horse's feed, but also can cause digestive problems when the horse is not fed correctly.

If you observe a horse eating in a barn situation, you can readily see that he prefers to eat off the ground. Most feeders require a horse to eat with their necks extended and their heads raised. This is an unnatural position for a horse to eat. Grass particles and debris fall back into his face and eyes. The horse cannot properly chew his food, and respiratory problems can result when the horse constantly inhales dust from the hay. It's better to place hay on the ground in small amounts and in different places.

A diet of high-quality grass and hay should provide all the energy and protein needs non-working horses require. However, if a horse is in training, shows in performance classes or is ridden frequently, you might want to supplement with grain. Although this might be considered a departure from a purely natural approach to feeding, riding and working a horse is a complete departure from what nature intended as well.

In his natural environment as a wild, prey animal, a horse consumed very little grain. His very limited grain consumption took place in the fall from natural grasses that had gone to seed. This probably served to put on extra weight before winter. However, our energy demands on a horse have changed nutritional demands on him as well.

If a horse needs more energy, fat and protein in his diet than he is receiving from a grass and hay-based diet, there are several ways you can get him that additional nutrition. It's a good idea to avoid feeding the quantity of sugar and molasses present in many commercial sweet feeds. Just as in humans, the ingestion of large amounts of sugar can play havoc with the horse's insulin-regulating mechanism. Compounded grain products may also contain other undesirable ingredients such as fish and animal by-products.

You can get your horse the extra energy he needs through supplementing with rice and wheat bran or oats and barley. Limit the horse's intake of prepared rations of grain except for pregnant and lactating mares and young foals. We want to feed naturally but we don't want to reject out of hand advances in feed science. Educate yourself and choose supplements based on your horse's true needs. Do not overfeed grain, however.

Natural supplements that are useful to include in a horse's daily ration include flaxseed. Flaxseed is a good source for important Omega-3 fatty acids that are so important in human diets too. Omega-3 fatty acids can play a role in alleviating chronic inflammation and strengthen the immune system. They can improve the condition of a horse's coat and hooves.

Food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE) supplements is a lesser-known source of trace minerals, internal and external parasite control, improved feed utilization and fly control. DE is a desiccant and can be used as a feed supplement or can be spread around stalls and the barn and will kill 75% of flies, fleas and mites that come into contact with it. Horse owners who use DE religiously claim that world health org feeding DE to their foals and grown horses eliminates the need for chemical worming.

Horses themselves can be a judge of what trace minerals they need to consume. Have you ever seen a horse digging in the ground and begin to lick some special rock they've found? He seems to know instinctively what minerals he is lacking and where he can get them. This probably pertains more to a wild and varied environment than to a controlled and limited pasture environment. For that reason, it is a good idea to provide a free-choice salt and trace mineral product especially formulated for horses.

When horses are first offered this feeding option, they will initially consume a considerable amount but begin self-regulating very quickly. A supply of salt is essential to a horse's health and well-being. In the wintertime salt should be manually added to a horse's feed in order to ensure that he drinks the proper amount of water. Be sure to make available to the horse an unlimited supply of fresh, clean water.

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Feeding A Puppy

You are bringing your new bundle of joy home finally. You have done your research, know you have the right breed and you have complete faith in the breeder of your new pup. You have visited the litter each week to watch the pups develop, bought all the toys and the crate the breeder recommended and you already have her signed up for puppy kindergarten. Now for the most difficult decision - what do you feed her?

Puppies need special diets to grow strong and healthy and thankfully, there are many varieties to choose from that are designed to fit the needs of our furry bundles of joy! There is small dog puppy food, regular puppy food and foods for large and giant breed pups. Each is formulated a little differently - small breed puppy food is calorie dense with a physical size that matches their diminutive mouths. Large and giant breed dog food is designed to allow for slow, steady growth which helps build strong and healthy bones and joints. Added nutrient are also designed to regulate joint health since so many of these breeds are plagued by hip dysplasia as well as back, elbow and knee issues.

The first person to ask for a recommendation on what to world health org feeding your new pup is the breeder. They know their breed best and usually have the best intentions for the health and happiness of both their puppies and their new owners. However, do not take their word as gospel - sometimes they are forced to buy a lesser quality food then what would normally be recommended because of the sheer cost of feeding a litter of pups as well as possibly a full kennel of adult dogs. No matter what, however, have a small bag of the same food waiting at home for the day the pup arrives - you do not want to make a sudden switch of food ever with a dog but it can be catastrophic for a new pup! Housetraining is almost impossible to start if you are also dealing with a bad case of diarrhea. A change in food should always be done gradually over a number of days with each day decreasing the amount of the old food while simultaneously increasing the quantity of new food. After five to seven days, the pup should be on the new food entirely with little to no adverse affect on their bowels.

All dogs thrive on routine and your new pup is no exception! Young pups should be fed at least three times a day but preferably four if possible, at least for the first couple of weeks they are home with you. Make sure you feed them at the same time each day and once they are finished eating, put them outside for a poop - within fifteen minutes of eating, you will be rewarded with a step towards a perfectly housetrained puppy!

How much to feed the pup is the most common question asked a veterinarian. Double check with your breeder before you bring the puppy home and also check the recommendations listed on the dog food bag. Usually it is weight based so make sure you have an overall idea of what your pup weighs now as well as what they will weigh as an adult.

A rule of thumb is to watch your puppy's waistline and growth spurts. A skinny puppy is a healthy puppy because it puts less stress on the still forming skeletal system. You do not want to see all the ribs but there is no harm in seeing the last one or at least a hint that there could be ribs under a thin layer of pudge and the thick puppy coat. Like human children, pups grow in spurts and stops. Usually they will sleep more and eat ravenously when they are in a growth spurt and our inclination is to feed them until they stop eating. Don't! Pups, especially large and giant breeds, are healthiest if they grow at a slow and steady pace and by marginally restricting their food, you are making sure the growth spurts do not get out of hand. Large and giant breed puppy food helps keep the growth spurts to a minimum as well.

The biggest mistake new owners make is leaving the food down until the puppy has cleaned his plate and/or add tasty morsels to the dish until the pup concedes to eat the kibble. This actually teaches them bad puppy manners and no one wants that! Give yourself a break - never add tidbits to the dish and only leave the food on the ground for twenty minutes. If they have not finished their plate after that time, pick it up and do not put it on the floor again until the next scheduled feeding. They soon learn to finish their plate quickly and that they are not going to get something tastier if they 'hold out' for better! No puppy will starve themselves to death and they will eventually eat their entire meal as long as you are strong and not give in to those adorable puppy eyes!

World health org feeding a puppy is not difficult but it does take a bit of knowledge and some diligence on your part. Keep your puppy at a healthy weight, have them dewormed regularly and make sure you have fun with your new ball of fur - puppyhood lasts only a short time and it will be over before you know it!

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Pet Pigs - Pig Care, Feeding And Housing

Pigs are intelligent, gregarious, greedy and hedonistic. They are also curious. Being both intelligent and curious can soon prove problematic for those of you who are thinking about keeping pet pigs. This is because they will soon find a way to escape their enclosures, no matter how long you have spent making sure they stay in! Once they have made the first great escape they will try again, and again and again. So they are determined little beasts but they will also give you much pleasure.

Pigs love attention and will bask in being spoken to, enjoy a scratch behind the ear and a good scrub down with a brush. However, never slap a pig on the rear end, or on the shoulders. Your pet pig will hate this, will be unforgiving to those who attempt this, and will sulk for days, if not weeks.

Pet Pigs: A Word of Warning

Keeping pigs as pets can be fun, but you also need to be careful with them when you feed them. Many a person can relate a tale of losing fingers to pigs by leaving their hands a little too long in the trough when spilling out the feed. A pig is a voracious eater and being an omnivore will eat virtually anything, including your hand if it is anywhere near his feed! So exercise caution here.

Pet Pigs: Diet

Pigs are also excellent producers, have large litters which they are fairly good at in looking after, which makes them a great source of extra income if you are thinking of selling off the piglets from your pet pigs. They are also good as work animals because their smelling abilities make them ideal for sniffing out black gold; truffles. If you don't have truffles don't despair as you can use your pig as nature's plough for fields that need turning over. In foraging for roots and food beneath the ground they use their strong snouts to amazing depths in the soil and make subsequent cultivation of that land very much easier. However, if you find that they are really damaging the land that you have put them on this foraging activity can be curtailed by having a ring or two inserted into the edge of their snouts. Although this is a fairly painless process it should be carried out while the pigs are fairly young. They love to eat excess whey milk after you have made your cheese, they will also eat vegetable scraps and spent veggie crops, and fallen fruit from the orchards.

Pet Pigs: Choosing What to Buy and Why?

Pigs come in all shapes, colours and sizes and different breeds result in different temperaments. The first thing you should be deciding on is why you want to keep pigs for pets in the first place. After that it then gives you direction as to which pig breed would better fit your needs and the appropriate pig care your pigs would then receive.

Pink-skinned pigs like the one in the picture above suffer terribly from sunburn, and so if you don't have any kind of natural or manmade shelter for this type of pig, then this breed would be unsuitable for you. Some pure breeds are coloured, like the red Tamworth and Duroc and black pigmented Berkshire and Large Black. The Saddleback and Hampshire are also black breeds but carry a distinctive white belt over the shoulders and down the front legs. Potbelly pigs are another firm favourite for pigs as pets.

Few people realize just how big pigs can grow. Your pet pig could end up weighing in excess of 200 kilo grams! This is another reason why you need to make sure that those fences are strong! If you choose a miniature pig as a pet their mature weight range could be around 20 - 50 kilo grams. Still no featherweight!

Your pet pigs are sociable animals and therefore would prefer to be in a small group rather than being on its own. Therefore it is advisable to get more than one so that they can keep each other company. You will also find in doing this, that your pigs will get up to less mischief as they will be less bored. However, if you do decide to only have one pig as a pet, there are some advantages. Firstly looking after one pig means that they become easier to manage, especially if this is your first pig. There will be no jostling for position during meal times or bullying and fighting with other pigs. If you buy a single pig just remember to give it lots of love and attention that prevent it from being bored, lonely and naughty.

Pet Pigs: Choosing which sex to buy

If you are thinking of having pigs for pets you are probably wondering which sex you should buy. Male pigs that have not been castrated are best left as breeders rather than that makes them very unsuitable. If you decide on a male pig, it should be castrated. Female pigs make the best pets whether or not she has had a litter.

Pet Pigs: Purchasing your first pet pig

What should you be looking for when you are about to purchase your first pet pig? First of all you should check with your local municipal council to see if you are allowed to keep a pig in your area. After you have passed that important hurdle the next step is to find yourself a reputable breeder who will be there for you for after sales advice and general advice on pig care. Do not buy pigs from stockyard sales or at auctions where as a novice you would not know if the animal was sound and healthy.

In order for you to bond with your pig and vice versa you should be looking for a piglet. Look for one that has no signs of ill world health org feeding. It should be active, have bright eyes with a moist nose and a shiny coat. The body should be long and slightly arched, the chest wide and sides slightly rounded. The legs should be strong and well placed with short and well-maintained toenails. Check the number of teats that the pig has regardless of its gender. You are looking for 12-14 evenly distributed and well shaped teats. After looking at the physical aspects of your future pet pig you should be looking at its temperament. If it looks at all aggressive, is snapping at its siblings and other pigs and seems generally a bit on the wild side, look for another that is better natured.

Pet Pigs: Pig Care and Feeding

When you are purchasing your pet pig ask the breeder what they have been feeding them and how much. This will give you a baseline to work off, and any changes or additions to the diet should be made slowly. The basic diet for a pig would be to feed them a combination of household scraps or old crops from your vegetable garden or orchard combined with pig feed or grain. On average a pig should be given about 2 kilo grams of pig feed or grain a day, and less if you are supplementing with household or garden scraps. Pigs will eat almost anything, as mentioned earlier. Things that they will not eat however are citrus fruit, capsicums, onions, pineapples and some brassicas. The feed can be given either all at once during the day, or split into two and fed morning or evening. Fresh, clean water should be available to your pet pigs at all times, and make sure that the troughs that you are using a strong. Concrete troughs that are heavy and unmoveable are ideal.

Pet Pigs: Housing for your pig

Pigs are often maligned as dirty, smelly, unattractive beasts. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, they love to have the odd wallow in the mud bath, but then so do elephants and warthogs, and they have not been tarred with the same brush. Your pig will enjoy a bed of deep, clean straw or litter. If there are other pigs present they will often be seen cuddling up to each other in these situations. They are basically very clean animals, and will not urinate or defecate on their bedding, but will do so in a corner of their pen, away from their bedding.

They also hate extreme weather conditions, be it cold winds and draughts or soaring temperatures and humidity. So ensure that their pens are draught-free and you are able to get a good circulation of air when temperatures rise. Pigs will tolerate temperatures between 12-26°C. Anything, either side of these temperatures, and your pet pig will be in distress. This is why in hot weather those mud baths are so necessary for your pig to be able to cool down as he does not have the ability to do so through sweating.

Having said all that, a simple three-sided shed is all that is needed to keep your pig happy, as long as it faces away from draughts and prevailing winds. Each animal should have about 8 square feet of space and the floor finish should be a concrete screed that has been roughly finished so that your pig has sure footing at all times. There should also be an area in front of his pen that is adequately fenced off that is also cemented to prevent muddy and smelly conditions. Here the pigs can sun themselves when they need to, get some exercise and relieve themselves.

We have already touched on making sure that your pigpen is secure, but this cannot be over-emphasised. If your pig notices just a slight weakness in the fencing he will be out. And for those of us who have had to catch a pig we all know that it one of those impossible tasks that quickly degenerates into something from Keystone Cops! One of the best options is to go with a breeze-block wall around the shed with a sturdy pig-proof gate. Having wire fencing, unless it is electrified, which is expensive, really is not worth the effort as it is largely ineffectual.

Pet Pigs: Keeping your pig in your house

There are people who keep pigs in their homes quite successfully. It may not be everyone's choice of household pet, even for those who may decide on a miniature pig soon realize that they can get very big. However, for those who have chosen this option your pig is easily trainable with regards to using a cat litter tray. Pigs are the 5th most intelligent animals in the world health org feeding, and therefore getting them to use a cat litter tray is no different to training a cat or a dog. You use the same methods. Start with some newspaper and move it closer to the litter box until the box is being used. Remember though that the conventional cat litter box it too high for your pig. You will need something that is more shallow, more like 2 inches, and your will need to find these trays or suitable receptacles from your local hardware store. They will get used to walking with a lead and harness if you start with them at an early age.

Pet Pigs: Enjoying your new pet

Keeping a pig as a pet is great fun and they really do make wonderful pets. Each has a distinctive personality and you will soon see this after bringing your pig home and getting to know it. If you have the right type of housing, keep the litter clean and provide the right food and exercise for your pig, you will have a really rewarding experience. Pigs are generally hardy and have few ailments and are very good at adapting to new environments. So enjoy your new pet, give it lots of love and attention and you will be loved in return.

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